Women with PEI reflect on heart blockages following new report citing gaps in women’s healthcare
Five years ago, Angie MacCaull says she was in the best shape of her life and didn’t think her heart problem was causing her sudden pain.
“It hurts from elbow to hand,” she said. “I had some abdominal discomfort, probably around my diaphragm. No shortness of breath, no chest pain, no arm pain, no jaw pain. So not typical heart attack symptoms.”
At the time, several negative tests allowed McCall to travel with her husband.
However, her condition worsened and became so severe that she returned to Prince Edward Island. It took her four hospital visits in the same week to realize she had. 8 blocks in her mind I needed triple bypass surgery.
Years later, she recalled her experience as an example of a gap in women’s health care. report Released on February 1st by The Heart and Stroke Foundation. The report describes a lack of awareness, research, diagnosis and care when it comes to women’s heart and brain health.
According to reports, “half of women who experience a heart attack are unaware of their symptoms,” and heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of premature death among women.
Biological and social inequalities related to race, ethnicity, sex, gender, indigenous origin, disability, and socioeconomic status influence women’s likelihood of experiencing certain types of heart and brain conditions. It is possible to give
Women are also more susceptible to certain factors that put them at risk, such as pregnancy and menopause. Other risks include smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression.
MacCaull believes that because heart health information is based on studies in men, tests to diagnose his condition didn’t work.
While women may experience chest pain, they often also experience pain and discomfort in their neck, shoulders, and upper back.— Patrice Lindsey
Patrice Lindsay, a co-author of the study, agreed, saying it’s part of the reason why women don’t get the treatment they need in a timely manner.
“Women may experience pain in the chest, but often there is also pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders and upper back. There is nausea, vomiting and even shortness of breath,” she said. When you think about these symptoms, you don’t automatically think, ‘Oh my God, I have a heart attack.
Lindsay said the improvement in women’s symptoms is one reason many are hesitant to reach out for medical services, and some even doubt their symptoms before seeking help.
She said the published report was a step in the right direction. need to wake up.
“I know my body best”
Lindsay also believes this change will come with more women advocating for their experiences.
“You know your body best. You know when something has changed or changed,” she said. “Sometimes you just have to be a little more persistent in refuting, asking questions, and getting the piece of research you need.”
MacCaull thinks it may have been his mind as he looked back on the struggles of having children.
Now a mother of three, she shares her story and suggests that all women become advocates for their bodies.
“Never be shy about going back to the hospital,” she said. “Doctors told me it didn’t matter if I was proven wrong, so come back if symptoms persist. And I did, and it saved my life.”
PEI enrolls an average of more than 120 participants each year in Health PEI’s Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, which provides education and exercise programs for people diagnosed with heart disease. About 25 to 30 percent of the participants are women, according to officials.
One of its goals, says Lindsay Hansen, director of the program, is to “educate the public and other health care professionals about the importance of early detection of heart disease and post-diagnosis referral to cardiac rehabilitation. To support women through their heart disease journey while educating them.”
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