A devastating earthquake hits Syria and Turkey
A major earthquake struck southern Turkey and northern Syria early on February 6, collapsing buildings as people slept and causing a crisis in the region. Early reports indicated that 4,300 people were killed and thousands more injured. These numbers are steadily rising as the frantic search for survivors continues in the harsh winter conditions.
The 7.8-magnitude earthquake was felt by residents of Cyprus, Israel and Lebanon, one of the strongest to hit the region in the past 100 years.
Amid waves of aftershocks – and a second 7.5-magnitude quake – UNICEF is working on the ground to accelerate life-saving assistance to children and families.
UNICEF teams provide emergency assistance to children and families
In Turkey, UNICEF is working with the government to provide immediate assistance in specific areas. The UNICEF country office supports search and rescue efforts and distributes hygiene kits, blankets and warm clothes to children and families in need. UNICEF teams also coordinated the evacuation to safe places for children living in group homes in the earthquake-affected areas.
The primary focus of UNICEF’s emergency response in Syria is water, sanitation and hygiene, child protection services, nutrition and education.
UNICEF field office teams are assessing the impact on major water stations and water storage facilities to determine the extent of damage and interruption of services, and to provide emergency water access to displaced families.
UNICEF is also working to protect unaccompanied children and reunite those separated from their families.
More hardship for Syrian families already displaced by the conflict
This latest disaster will make the living conditions more difficult for the 4.1 million people – mostly women and children – in northwest Syria who already depend on humanitarian aid. Many are internally displaced after fleeing the violence during Syria’s long civil war. The region is also grappling with an ongoing cholera outbreak and harsh winter weather.
“The initial earthquake occurred very early in the morning, when many children were fast asleep, which made it even more dangerous, and aftershocks bring constant dangers,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Our hearts and thoughts are with the affected children and families, especially those who have lost loved ones or who have been injured. Our immediate priority is ensuring affected children and families receive the support they so desperately need.”
Help UNICEF reach more children in crises in Turkey and Syria
The most affected areas in northwest Syria are Aleppo and Latakia, with damage reported in Hama. Early reports from Syria indicate 150 dead and more than 400 wounded, including children, across all governorates.
Angela Kearney, UNICEF Representative in Syria, was in Aleppo when the earthquake struck. “The numbers are constantly increasing,” she said. “There is a sense of panic among the children, many people, including children, have been displaced and are staying outside in the streets and open spaces. The Syrian government has closed schools and universities for today and some of them are being used as shelters. The psychological impact on some of the people we met is serious.”
Your donation can help UNICEF reach more children in Syria and Turkey with much-needed aid. Please donate.
Top photo: On February 6, 2023, residents retrieve a young child from the rubble of a collapsed building in the town of Jandris in the countryside of Afrin, northwestern Syria, in the Aleppo governorate. Early reports indicated that hundreds were killed in northern Syria after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that started in Turkey was felt in neighboring countries. © UNICEF / UN0777983 / al Sayed / AFP
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