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How laboratory automation can lead the global fight against cancer

How laboratory automation can lead the global fight against cancer


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Achim von Leoprechting
Dr. Achim von Leoprechting

Dr. Achim von Leoprechting became CEO of Tecan in 2019. Under his scrutiny during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tecan has elevated his position as a global leader in innovative and scalable solutions to the most pressing problems in healthcare and life science. Strengthened by Tecan’s recent growth, the company is focused on accelerating discovery and translating research insights into compliant clinical solutions for another global health problem, cancer.

IPM: What makes Tecan stand out as a trusted partner in the global fight against cancer?

Tecan has been a pioneer and market leader in lab automation for over 40 years. From basic science to disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, we enable our customers to make important discoveries.

Research and clinical diagnostics rely on complex assays to advance our understanding of diagnostic markers and disease pathways in oncology. Uncovering more data in areas such as genomics and proteomics will improve our understanding of cancer mechanisms that can lead to the development of more effective and timely therapies. Continued discoveries in cancer mechanisms, pathways, and biomarkers have greatly advanced personalized treatments and methods for early diagnosis. Tecan sees the promise of further understanding the genome and exploiting the complexities of new proteomic cancer discovery. In this race to improve patient outcomes and better decipher massive amounts of data, Tecan enables customers to scale research and discovery.

Tecan’s automation solutions include instruments, software packages for best-in-class ease of use and connectivity, numerous configurable modules, deep application know-how and regulatory expertise, as well as consulting, services, consumables and even Corresponding reagents (for specific applications) are included. We provide products and solutions that make your laboratory processes and procedures accurate, reproducible, and compliant. From research (RUO), CLIA/LDT, IVD to medical devices, Tecan’s ability to support our customers and partners in all areas enables healthcare innovation to extend from research to the clinical setting.

IPM: Why has automation become so important in the patient care process for Oncology?

Many cancer patients are unaware of Tecan’s involvement in promoting improved patient care. Through his two business pillars, a life science business focused on end-customer solutions and a partner business that facilitates OEM partners to bring quality components and system development and production services to market, Tecan We work with our customers and partners. Tecan’s solutions automate complex workflows, making procedures more accurate, efficient, scalable and secure.

IPM: What market trends do you see shaping Tecan’s future role in oncology going forward?

According to estimates, the world’s laboratories generate more data every six months than ever before in human history. This unparalleled scale means that subsequent discoveries will forever shape humanity and shape his Tecan’s role in future oncology. Key trends impacting our business include:

  • Population growth and aging increase demand for diagnostic tests
  • Development and implementation of personalized medicine, whether in pathway and biomarker research, drug discovery/development, or companion diagnostics
  • Advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, connectivity and data processing are key to the future of laboratory automation, from central testing to near-patient solutions
  • Solid Tumor and Liquid Biopsy “Biomarker Fingerprints” Harnessing Genomic and Proteomic Data for Improved Prevention, Primary Diagnosis, and Treatment Monitoring
  • Increased investment in testing infrastructure to meet testing demand, regulatory compliance requirements and health economics

These trends will lead to increased sample volumes, greatly increasing research and diagnostic testing. In other words, we need to achieve higher levels of productivity. This surge in productivity must simultaneously be reproducible and accurate through standardized and robust processes based on regulatory requirements. All these factors drive the need for next-generation technologies in laboratory automation, where Tecan has proven to be a leader, innovator and a vital partner in supporting our customers. We are focused on applying that leadership to the global fight against cancer.

About Tecan

Tecan improves people’s lives and health by enabling customers to scale healthcare innovations globally, from life sciences to clinics. Tecan is a pioneer and global leader in laboratory automation. As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Tecan is also a leader in the development and manufacture of OEM equipment, components and medical devices sold by partner companies. Founded in Switzerland in 1980, the company employs more than 3,400 people, has manufacturing, research and development sites in Europe, North America and Asia, and maintains a sales and service network in more than 70 countries.

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