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Ramping up Christian ministries to help feed earthquake survivors in Turkey, Syria

Ramping up Christian ministries to help feed earthquake survivors in Turkey, Syria
Ramping up Christian ministries to help feed earthquake survivors in Turkey, Syria


CityServe International is helping deliver meals and other essentials to those left homeless by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria last month.

On Sunday, CityServe worked with volunteers at the City of Destiny Church in Apopka, Florida, to package meals from No Child Hungry for shipment to Turkey and Syria. The goal was to provide 50,000 meals.

“The images we’ve all seen coming out of Turkey and Syria are devastating, and as with any disaster, it’s critical that the church go to the front lines and help those in need,” said Todd Lamphere, Vice President of Government Relations at CityServe. international. “On a very basic level, these suffering families need food to eat, clothes to wear, and other basic necessities. And that’s exactly what we provide alongside our friends at No Child Hungry.”

In addition to the meals, CityServe is packing 5,000 rescue pails and 25,000 hygiene kits. And with a generous donation from Jockey, they’ll also send a pallet of apparel.

“After so many children and families endured unimaginable pain and loss during the recent earthquake, these same people should now not have to worry about where their next meal will come from,” said William Lowry, President of No Child Hungry. “We want those in Turkey and Syria to know that the world is seeing their pain and that we will help them get their basic essentials in the coming weeks.”

CityServe is a collaborative network of churches and community leaders who help those in need live better lives. CityServe enables the local church to achieve their goal of overcoming despair and transforming lives by providing them with tangible goods and capacity building. The organization has been designated a “Community of Faith and Opportunity” by the USDA.

Mercy Chefs provide meals for Turkey as well

Meanwhile, Land Rover USA donated a custom SUV to the Portsmouth, Virginia-based Department of Food Aid.

“We are very excited to receive a new, highly reliable Land Rover Defender that will be powered to deliver food where it is needed, often in hard-to-reach places,” said Gary and Anne LeBlanc, founders of Mercy Chefs. WAVY-TV.

Mercy Chefs has responded to help in times of need for people across the Tidewater, Virginia area. The nonprofit has also stepped up to respond to natural disasters and national emergencies. The organization’s professional chefs are equipped to prepare high-quality hot meals at large scale for victims, first responders, and volunteers — up to 20,000 meals a day if needed, according to the Mercy Chefs website.

The organization is also responding to humanitarian efforts in Turkey and Syria.

With the help of local church partners, Mercy Chefs is continually expanding relief efforts, distributing groceries, vital resources, and establishing container kitchens for sustainable congregational feeding in the hardest-hit communities.

Founded in 2006, Mercy Chefs was one of five charities to receive a custom Land Rover Defender 130 SUV, according to WAVY.

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