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Subjective cognitive decline is more common in underrepresented populations

Subjective cognitive decline is more common in underrepresented populations


March 13, 2023

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important point

  • Some underrepresented racial and ethnic groups were more likely to face subjective cognitive decline than Caucasians.
  • Native Americans or Alaska Natives had the highest prevalence, at 16.7%.
  • Fewer than half of those who reported memory deterioration consulted a health care professional about their concerns.

Researchers say that in the United States, some underrepresented racial and ethnic groups are more likely to face subjective cognitive decline, and less than half of them have discussed their symptoms with their health care providers. bottom.

Karen G. Wooten, MA, CDC health scientists and their colleagues write that about 6.5 million people over the age of 65 in the United States have Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. Experts predict that number will double by 2060, with black and Hispanic adults facing the biggest increase.

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According to the CDC, some underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in the United States are more likely to face subjective cognitive decline, and less than half reported discussing their symptoms with their health care provider was. Image: CDC

Researchers conducted a study to assess differences in prevalence subjective cognitive decline (SCD) — Self-reported confusion or amnesia occurs more frequently and may be a symptom of early stage dementia. They used data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to examine differences in her SCD prevalence by selected demographics and how often she reported symptoms to her health care professional.

“Discussing cognitive changes with physicians can help identify potentially treatable conditions, detect dementia early, promote dementia risk-reducing behaviors, and keep adults healthy and independent for as long as possible. It allows us to establish a treatment or care plan that will allow us to do so,” the researchers wrote.

Wooten and colleagues found that from 2015 to 2020, the prevalence of SCD was 9.6% overall. Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic GroupsThe prevalence is:

  • 16.7% for Native Americans or Alaska Natives.
  • 11.4% for Hispanics.
  • 10.1% for blacks.
  • 9.3% in Caucasians.and
  • 5% for Asian or Pacific islanders.

Across all racial and ethnic groups, researchers noted that college education was associated with lower prevalence of SCD. The prevalence of SCD has decreased even among those with health insurance.

“Further research is needed to better understand the role that education and related systemic factors play in maintaining cognitive health, especially in diverse racial and ethnic groups,” they wrote. “For example, modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias are less prevalent among higher-educated adults, vary by race and ethnic group, and are associated with higher prevalence of SCD. doing.”

Wooten and colleagues found that the prevalence of SCD increases in successive age groups. The highest overall rate of SCD was found in adults over the age of 75, he at 13.3%. He was 13.6% of those who were married but are not currently married. He was 16.4% without a high school diploma.

Notably, 47.3% of those who reported memory deterioration had told a health care professional about their concerns, but women were more likely to do so than men: 50.7% vs. 43.3%, respectively.

Similar to overall prevalence, people with SCD symptoms who are less likely to talk to a health care professional about their symptoms are typically uneducated, have no health insurance or a family doctor, and are over the age of 75. was.

“Healthcare providers asked 45-year-olds about their experiences of worsening memory loss and confusion during visits to discuss early signs of dementia and strategies to reduce risk and maintain cognitive health. You can consider asking younger patients,” the researchers wrote.

Wooten and colleagues added that their findings could help providers “identify groups of patients who would benefit from risk-reduction behaviors and further cognitive assessment.”

“Public health strategies are needed to support access to health care for those unable to receive regular health care or to have designated preventive health professionals,” they wrote.




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