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Ticked off – Learn how to avoid ticks while enjoying your local park – BG Independent News

Ticked off – Learn how to avoid ticks while enjoying your local park – BG Independent News


While you’re getting ready to enjoy the outdoors with your family, friends, and pets, we encourage you to be prepared and “Be Tick Smart.” Tick-spread diseases are an increasing concern in Ohio and have been reported to the Ohio Department of Health more frequently over the past decade, with Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever being the most common.

The community is invited to the “Be Tick Smart” presentation on April 12th at 7:00 pm at 520 Conneaut Ave., Veterans Memorial in City Park, Bowling Green.

Leeanne Garrett, a public health entomologist for the Ohio Department of Health, discusses surveillance methods used statewide to monitor tick populations, the species of ticks found in Ohio, and the potential for them to transmit. Let’s be ill, and ‘tick-smart.

“The zoonotic disease program tracks and responds to tick-borne diseases,” said Garrett. “We will collect and analyze data to detect trends in disease activity, investigate reported tick-borne disease cases, and work with other state agencies to assess disease risk and prevention strategies. We’re educating the people of Ohio.”

As part of the restoration process at Winter Garden/St. At Johns Nature Reserve, park staff identify and monitor the flora and fauna that inhabit the reserve. In the past, park-goers have been advised to watch out for American dog ticks, and recently, park staff worked with his ODH to detect the presence of black-legged ticks in the reserve. Collected and checked.

“We want park-goers to be aware that they need to be aware of this newly observed tick. It is much smaller than the American dog tick and can be active year-round.” said Natural Resources Manager Sinda Stutzman.

“Residents are encouraged to be aware of ticks and all vectors when enjoying the outdoors. Health District Director Lana Grohr said. “People who need help identifying ticks they encounter should contact our Environmental Health Department for assistance as we work closely with ODH entomologists on proper identification and reporting methods. can.”


  • Some types of ticks are active during certain months, but black-footed ticks can be active year-round when temperatures are above freezing. Check with your veterinarian for recommendations on year-round tick and flea preventatives.
  • Residents should thoroughly check themselves and their pets for ticks after working or playing outdoors.
  • Wear long pants, long sleeves, and long socks. Tuck your pants legs into your socks and your shirt into your pants to keep ticks out of your clothing. Light colored clothing will help you spot ticks more easily.
  • Park visitors are required to remain on the trails while using local natural areas and parks. Ticks do not fall from trees or fly. They are most likely to be found in tall grass, brushy areas, or along the edges of roadsides, paths, and wooded areas.

Tick ​​identification materials and additional information can be found at Ohio.Gov/Tick.




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