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Early menopausal age, late HT onset associated with vulnerability to Alzheimer’s disease

Early menopausal age, late HT onset associated with vulnerability to Alzheimer’s disease


April 3, 2023

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key Takeaway :

  • Female sex, early age at menopause, and use of HT were associated with local tau positron emission tomography.
  • These findings warrant trials assessing the potential impact of HT timing on tau deposition.

According to a cross-sectional study published in , both being young at the onset of menopause and starting hormone therapy after 5 years or more were associated with increased tau vulnerability in women. Department of Neurology, JAMA.

“Early trials and observational studies suggest that the use of exogenous hormones through HT may improve. Cognitive Impairment in Perimenopausal or Postmenopausal Individuals,” Gillian T. Coughlan, MS, PhD, Researcher Written by Harvard Medical School’s Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and colleagues. “However, in contrast to these findings, the Women’s Health Initiative, an influential randomized clinical trial, found that HT use, particularly estrogen and progestin use, was associated with dementia compared with placebo. We found that it was associated with an approximately two-fold higher incidence.”

Factors associated with higher regional tau imaging include:

Data are from Coughlan GT et al. JAMA Neurology2023;doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.0455.

The researchers used data from 292 women and men without cognitive impairment (mean age 67 years) enrolled in the Wisconsin registry for Alzheimer’s disease prevention between November 2006 and May 2021. Analyzed. and normal menopause at age 45 years or older, and her current or past HT use and nonuse.

The main results were sex differences across the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes and interactions of sex, menopausal age or HT in seven tau positron emission tomography (PET) regions showing high β-amyloid PET for local tau. bottom. Secondary outcomes included the effect of HT timing in relation to age of onset of menopause on local tau.

In the cohort, 66.1% were female, 52.2% of HT users were female, and 19% of participants had abnormal beta-amyloid. female gender (P. < .001), earlier age of onset of menopause (P. < .001) and use of HT (P. = .008) were all associated with men, later age of menopause onset, and higher local tau PET in individuals with elevated beta-amyloid compared with non-HT users, the researchers wrote. there is

Areas affected by HT use included the medial and lateral regions of the temporal and occipital lobes. Starting HT more than 5 years postmenopausal resulted in higher tau PET compared with when he started HT earlier (P. = .001), according to researchers.

“Women who reach menopause at a young age may be a subgroup prioritized for inclusion in Alzheimer’s disease prevention trials,” the researchers wrote. “Clinical trials to assess potential impact HT timing of tau deposition is also guaranteed. ”




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