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FDA approves first over-the-counter naloxone nasal spray – The Daily Texan

FDA approves first over-the-counter naloxone nasal spray – The Daily Texan


Ren KiteGeneral News Reporter

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Narkan Approveda drug that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, will become available over-the-counter and without a prescription on March 29, easing the ongoing nationwide drug overdose crisis.

Narcan, a spray form of naloxone, now coined for OTC 4 Narcan, rapidly reverses the effects of opioid overdose by blocking receptors and preventing symptoms such as slowed breathing and slowed heart rate. Let These effects usually appear 2-3 minutes after administration.

The FDA first approved naloxone as a prescription drug in 2015. data A study from the National Library of Medicine showed that it is safe for the general public to use without the help of a medical professional.

In 2016, Lucas Hill, clinical associate professor in the School of Pharmacy, said: Operation Naloxonea service learning program that trains students in how to administer naloxone and how to treat opioids.

During training and outreach events, Hill said the front desks of student residences have been providing Narcan to students since 2016, so the new OTC regulations won’t have a significant impact on on-campus availability. rice field.

“OTC Nalcan 4 mg is a step in the right direction as it resolves some of this confusion and makes it easier for organizations to purchase this naloxone product,” Hill said in an email.

UTPD personnel are also trained in overdose response. After the pandemic, the university added distribution sites to the Perry Castañeda Library, Sid He Richardson Hall, and the Life Sciences Library.

according to Recent research According to the National Library of Medicine, between 4% and 19.7% of US college students misuse prescription opioids at some point in their lives. Lori Holleran Steiker, a professor at the Addiction and Substance Abuse Service, said these percentages underscore the need for opioid prevention programs.

“Even students who don’t often abuse drugs may need someone who can use Narkan for a friend, roommate, or family member,” Holleran-Steiker said in an email. “We need students who are concerned about others to carry naloxone because overdosed people can’t control themselves!”

Holleran Steiker said it was important to have a more accessible Narcan on hand so he could administer it to someone if needed.

“Many things need to change to stem the opioid epidemic, and Texas has designed a complete ecosystem of responses in medical and community settings,” said Holleran-Steiker. rice field. “The availability of naloxone is an important piece of the puzzle.”




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