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Is gray hair reversible?New study delves into root cause of aging scalp

Is gray hair reversible?New study delves into root cause of aging scalp
Is gray hair reversible?New study delves into root cause of aging scalp


A new study finds that trapped stem cells may be the reason some aging hair turns gray.

A new study finds that trapped stem cells may be the reason some aging hair turns gray.

Gary John Norman/Getty Images

Have you ever wondered why your hair turns gray as you get older? The researchers say they have identified the root cause as stem cells being trapped. It may come soon.

it all starts with a type of stem cell called a melanocytealso known as McSC, says the study, published in magazines Nature this week.

a research team from new york university Grossman College of Medicine Melanocytes were already well known.they are the main mechanisms make melanin pigmentadd color to your skin and eyes.

The melanin is the key to hair color. McSCs hang in the hair follicle and receive protein signals that tell them when to become mature cells. Mature cells release pigments and, voila, you get your hair color.

However, during the course of this study, researchers discovered that McSCs do indeed move between microscopic compartments in the hair follicle. Each compartment may confer slightly different protein signals to MsSCs, allowing cells to oscillate between different maturation levels. This is very different from the work of other stem cells. in short, Aged to death.

The inherent maturity level of MSSCs becomes more complex with increasing age. As her hair grows and sheds in cycles, many of her McSCs get stuck in a specific compartment called the bulge of the follicle.

Follicular swelling does not signal these McSCs to mature. The clogged cells allow the hair to continue to grow, but don’t give it any pigmentation.

To prove the concept, the researchers created sesame-colored mice by physically pulling out their hair over and over again over a two-year period.

They found that the number of McSCs lodged in follicular bulges increased from 15% to nearly 50%. However, in young, unplucked hairs, McSCs continued to move through different compartments, picking up protein signals and consistently producing rich brown pigments.

To be clear, McSC is not the only factor that determines when gray hair grows. short wave a podcast Various factors other than aging play a role.

“Some people think that exposure to sunlight can damage melanocytes to a greater or lesser extent,” she said. “And hormones play a part in that, too.” , and certain medical conditions, all of which can strip hair of richer shades.

Overall, 74% of people between the ages of 45 and 65 have at least some silver strands. National Institutes of Health study.

If you’ve been in that camp and resented it, this new research might give you reason to rejoice.

And those who scoff at the vanity of highlighting silver strands can rejoice, too. Researchers also say studies like this bring us one step closer to curing cancer. )

Mayumi Ito, Professor of NYU Langone Health, said, “How the stem cells present in our bodies are regulated to properly maintain our bodies, and how we can rebuild tissues that have been lost due to injury. I am interested in,” he said. study.

“Multiple health problems, including cancer, will arise if stem cells are poorly regulated,” she told NPR. It’s an advantage in understanding this broader issue in medicine.”

Copyright 2023 NPR. For more information, please visit




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