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In the past: The 2008 Illinois earthquake was felt in Cass County | News

In the past: The 2008 Illinois earthquake was felt in Cass County |  News


15 years

Many here in Cass County felt the 5.2-magnitude earthquake, which had its epicenter six miles southwest of West Salem, Illinois, and 66 miles west of Evansville, Indiana.

After a unanimous vote, the Cass County Board declared eight funds inactive and transferred those funds, totaling $34,436.26, to its general fund.

Police have arrested two teenage boys who were caught trying to steal items from the former Tipton School building, 1529 Wright Street.

Cass County students are invited to the Pioneer High School Band Room to meet Logan Sport-born, Grammy Award-winning jazz composer Maid Flurry.

Pioneer High School sophomore Austin Keyser earned his first win, in his first collegiate start, as the Panthers defeated Tree County 10-3.

The Chicago Cubs beat the Pennsylvania Pirates 13-6.

25 years

Nearly 100 volunteers filled seven dump trucks with debris and rubbish during a successful riverbank cleanup, according to Cass County Park Director Jan Foley.

A fire in the Jamestown Flats on George Street was found to have accidentally claimed the life of an elderly woman.

Logansport Street management, 612 Race Street, will build a salt storage building.

Thirty-two years later, Pioneer Jr. – C.K. High school teacher Duane Hamilton has retired.

The Pioneer Regional Schools Corporation will start construction of an administration building.

Logansport High School Junior Heather Bacon shutout seven runs and four hits during a 9-0 win over Maconaquah. Freshman Amy Bacon paved the way at the plate going 3-for-4 with three RBI.

50 years

Former Attorney General John Mitchell reportedly personally approved the plans for the Watergate wiretap and paid legal fees for the seven men found guilty in the case.

Most Logansport gas stations see no supply problem in the near future, but most stations have raised prices by 2 cents per gallon.

The teachers demanded an eight-and-a-half percent wage increase for the next year.

The Indiana Public Telephone Company is laying an underground telephone conduit system here to provide growth for business and residential customers in the Eastern Suburbs area.

Lt. Everett McGee and Sgt. Jerry Askew and Cpl. Lloyd Posey, all from the Logansport Police Department, will be riding a cowboy bike in Tower Park.

The retail/wholesale janitorial supply business in Wagner and Surendorf has moved to 512 North Street.

Rick Monday took the lead man in the bottom of the first inning and kicked Rick Rochelle and Jack Acker together for seven hits as the Chicago Cubs beat the San Diego Padres 2-0.

100 years old

Miss Vivian Huntington of Folkestone, England is in Logansport to inherit property bequeathed to her in the will of Senator Daniel D. She is the only surviving direct member of this illustrious family.

An echo of the bankruptcy proceedings involving the Parker women’s ready-to-wear store, which was located on Broadway where the Bazley Meat Market is now located, took place in Cass Circuit court.

Bids were taken for equipment for the Franklin Middle School building and the Jefferson Elementary School building.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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