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8 out of 10 people living alone with dementia who have been completely isolated since March | Society


Eight out of ten people living alone with dementia have not seen their family or friends since March. In addition, tens of thousands of people regularly spend up to a week without a week of detailed conversations.

The largest survey by Alzheimer’s Association Approximately 56% (510,000) of people with dementia and 80% (96,000) of those living alone in this condition find complete isolation after the coronavirus blockade began.

As a result, in a survey of 1,831 people with dementia, one-third of people living in this condition feel like they are “giving up.”

“We are very pleased to announce that,” said Katley, CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association. “The scary, lonely, and struggling British people heard from people above and below as the lockdown began to unlock and the true range of its knock-on effects on the health and well-being of people with dementia became apparent. ..

“Thousands of people with dementia who have been worst hit by the virus have died tragically. In addition, the horrifying deterioration of their mental health risks risking thousands in the long run.” She said.

Chris Maddox, who lives with dementia, said: “The coronavirus has hit my mental health and mental state. I know I’m not alone. I’ve been depressed and worried. Especially with dementia. For the people who live, it is not possible to underestimate the power of social contact and the surroundings of loved ones.

“I’m depressed. It’s like bereavement because it happened so quickly and I felt like I had no other choice. You’re left without a routine and stuck in Limbo. Future When I turn to, I have no choice but to feel helpless.”

There are currently about 850,000 dementia patients in the UK and about 120,000I live alone among them. The number of people with dementia is projected to reach 1.6 million by 2040.

More than one-third of people with dementia in the survey say they have lost their confidence to leave home since the outbreak of the pandemic, despite relaxation of some lockdown rules.

Lee said that negligence in the social care sector during the coronavirus had a major impact on people with dementia, who are the main recipients of social care.

“A previous study found that more than a quarter of people who died of coronaviruses had dementia, making it the most common pre-existing condition of death,” she said. ..

“Aside from the coronavirus,’unknown cause’ deaths from dementia were 83% higher in England and 54% higher in Wales in April, About 10,000 deaths “Total,” she said. “The evidence between loneliness, depression and premature death is clear, with about half of people with dementia struggling to cope with the current crisis, and more than three-quarters are more lonely or isolated than before. I feel.”

Caroline Abraham, age UK charity director, said:

“This study also reminds us of the importance of making sure that those who live alone with dementia in their homes will not forget.”


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