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Navigating ADHD Diagnosis in Adulthood

Navigating ADHD Diagnosis in Adulthood
Navigating ADHD Diagnosis in Adulthood


As the stigma around mental health continues to decline, more and more adults are seeking evaluation, thinking they might be in a psychiatric setting. hindranceAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in children and often persists into adulthood. , many adults remain undiagnosed. Jennifer South M.D., Loma Linda University Health Psychiatrist. Receiving a new diagnosis of ADHD in adults can be daunting, but with the right support and information, it can be managed successfully.

ADHD is a complex brain-based disorder that manifests itself in people’s lives by making it difficult to focus on tasks, restlessness, and time management. In addition, they may struggle with organization and forgetfulness, and have trouble following directions and conversations without being distracted.

“Although it is not clear to fully understand what causes ADHD, we do know that ADHD is a highly heritable condition, which means that there is a significant genetic component to the cause of ADHD. I will,” says Minami.

Not only do people with ADHD function differently, Minami says there are differences in brain structure compared to people without ADHD.

“The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for many important brain functions, may be impaired in ADHD patients. Some important functions include organization, impulse control, and time management.” Mr. Minami says.

Challenges Unique to ADHD in Adulthood

Poor time management, poor concentration, forgetfulness, and procrastination are symptoms that affect an adult’s work and academic performance. the study Adults with ADHD are more likely to face difficulties in obtaining and retaining employment compared to neurotypical adults, especially if they are not treated during childhood.

“In clinical practice, we often evaluate undiagnosed ADHD patients who come to label themselves as ‘lazy.’ says Minami.

Other symptoms associated with ADHD, such as reduced frustration tolerance, impulsiveness, and out-of-order speaking, can strain relationships. , education for important individuals in life, such as partners and people you live with. She says educating all involved about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of ADHD helps reduce individual responsibility for the interpersonal strains often caused by ADHD. It will also strengthen partnerships in treatment planning.

What to Expect When Asking for Help


Many psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses can diagnose and treat ADHD. Here are some good questions to ask any healthcare provider considering treatment, Minami says:

– What is your training and experience in treating ADHD?

– What treatments are there for ADHD?

– What is required for an ADHD assessment with you?

According to Minami, a comprehensive assessment of ADHD includes a complete medical history of symptoms dating back to childhood, information about the individual, multiple people who provide medical and family history, and other co-occurring or individual causative factors. Includes assessment of psychiatric status. Symptoms that appear to be due to ADHD. For example, anxiety and depression are often accompanied by symptoms that can be attributed to ADHD, says Minami. Substance use disorders are also much higher in individuals with ADHD than in those without. Heavy substance use can be another factor that can affect your ability to concentrate, self-organize, and complete tasks and should be taken into account. The final stage of comprehensive evaluation may include neuropsychological testing.

medication treatment

the study Stimulants are the most effective and commonly prescribed drugs for treating ADHD, showing significant symptom relief in 70% of adults. Daily medication can reduce disruptive behavior, fidgeting, and other symptoms of hyperactivity.

Minami says non-stimulants aren’t very effective at reducing ADHD symptoms, but they can help in situations like:

  • Stimulants did not lead to adequate relief of symptoms
  • Stimulants are causing control or unacceptable side effects (such as weight loss or insomnia).
  • On substance use issues
  • Individuals have other mental health conditions for which certain non-stimulants have been shown to help.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a goal-oriented psychotherapy aimed at changing negative thinking patterns. and It changes how patients feel about themselves, their abilities, and their future. Minami says CBT has been effective in dealing with the self-esteem, anxiety, and depression issues that come with her ADHD.

“ADHD is a very treatable condition,” says Minami. “Having a diagnosis can be life-changing because it brings clarity and peace of mind. A diagnosis of ADHD can be the first step towards a more fulfilling and productive life.”

May is Mental Health Month. Loma Linda University Behavioral Health is a regional leader in mental health treatment in Redlands, Murrieta and Rancho Cucamonga, offering a full range of behavioral health programs and services to meet your needs. click here Request more information about the mental health programs offered.




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