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New Network Launched in Calgary to Research and Improve Neurological Rehabilitation

New Network Launched in Calgary to Research and Improve Neurological Rehabilitation
New Network Launched in Calgary to Research and Improve Neurological Rehabilitation


Alberta Health Services and the University of Calgary have partnered to help people with spinal cord injuries, stroke and movement disorders.

The Researching Strategies for Rehabilitation (RESTORE) Network collaborates with expert groups of academics and experts to conduct clinical trials to test new treatments and technologies to improve the quality of life of people with neurological disorders. is intended for

The network is working to “ensure access to ongoing care and new neurorehabilitation techniques for people of all ages,” research manager Kelly Larkin Kaiser said Tuesday.

“Our vision is to develop a center where we can develop our own biotechnology so we can innovate more and use less off-the-shelf technology,” she said.

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The network focuses on three areas of rehabilitation research: spinal cord injury, stroke, and movement disorders, each with a dedicated team of researchers to conduct clinical studies or pilots.

Researchers are also looking at ways to stabilize blood pressure in people with spinal cord injuries, which the network says will be the first to be tested in humans. He plans to implant a stimulator to reawaken the spinal cord after injury.

“Generally, when we think of people with spinal cord injuries, we tend to think of spinal cord injuries as focusing on moving again, like being able to walk again,” she said.

“But do these people really have a lot of autonomic dysfunction? Blood pressure control, bladder control, sleep control, etc.”


Judy Carton (center) walks on a treadmill with the help of physical therapist Tanya Chopra as University of Calgary researchers work to develop new techniques for people with neurological disorders in Calgary, Alta. Dr. Sean Duclaw (left) stares at ., Friday, April 28, 2023.

Canadian Press/Jeff McIntosh


Dr. Aaron Phillips (right) measures the blood pressure of study participant Nick Wilshere. Researchers at the University of Calgary are developing a new technology for people with neurological disorders in Calgary, Friday, April 28, 2023.

Canadian Press/Jeff McIntosh

The network is also working on other pilots in partnership with AHS to accelerate stroke recovery, including a virtual reality treadmill at Foothills Medical Center in Calgary.

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Another pilot includes children with motor disabilities at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary who use a robotic walking device to help them get around.

Larkin-Kaiser said both pilots have been expanded to include more participants.

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“This is a powerful demonstration of how collaboration between healthcare providers, researchers and the community can translate into real-world treatments that can dramatically improve the lives of many patients with neurological disorders.” A strong example,” said Dr. Mark Anselmo, Medical Director of the AHS Calgary Zone. , said in his statement.

The network’s director, Dr. Aaron Phillips, said it would be “one of the world’s key centers for developing new technologies for rehabilitation.”

Over the next five years, he said, the network’s vision is to “develop a fully operational engineering space to conceive, manufacture, validate, and ultimately disseminate next-generation technologies so that the clinical community can benefit from new discoveries.” to be able to receive

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