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smritivan memorial plants circular concrete tanks dedicated to the victims of the 2001 Gujarat earthquake

smritivan memorial plants circular concrete tanks dedicated to the victims of the 2001 Gujarat earthquake


A memorial to the victims of the catastrophic earthquake in Gujarat

Vastushilpa Sangath LLP designed the Smritivan Memorial in Gujarat, India, in an important tribute to the individuals who died in the tragic 2001 Gujarat earthquake. Former Gujarat chief minister, now prime minister, Narendra Modi had a clear directive: “Plant a tree for each victim. Trees are powerful symbols of rebirth, renewal, and hope – a reminder that life can begin again. The process of planting trees also represents the formation of a diverse and inclusive community, much like a forest is home to many different species. With this in mind, the design team created a series of small reservoirs scattered throughout the arid 452-acre property. Over time, the landscape will flourish and turn green.

On January 26, 2001, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the Kutch district of Gujarat, resulting in widespread devastation. The disaster claimed more than 13,000 lives and caused massive damage to habitat, property and infrastructure, costing billions. Trauma to affected individuals cannot be adequately measured.

Kutch has a long history of dealing with the unpredictability of nature, dating back at least 4,500 years to the Harappan Civilization. The region has suffered countless natural disasters, such as hurricanes and droughts, which have shaped its “culture of resilience”. Water remains the scarcest natural resource, and as a result, the environment, economy, culture, social structure, festivals and struggle for survival in the region all revolve around this element.

Nurturing life in arid regions

This simple but profound brief led the architects to envision two interrelated approaches: one for the families of the victims, who would visit the site as pilgrims to pay their respects to their loved ones, and another focused on caring for the trees and promoting resilience in the arid terrain of Kutch. The architects at Vastushilpa Sangath LLP shared: “We strongly believe that it is only necessary to help the earth at first for the new initiative to take root, and then nature takes over” (see more here). This support included identifying native species, determining water flow paths, assessing soil and nutrient composition, and designing reservoirs and areas where water can slowly seep into the ground.

The design was later developed by strategically placing small tanks on a 452-acre land. The first phase of this design, which included approximately 199 feddans, has already been implemented. Over time, as nature takes its course and plants flourish, the experience of the Smritivan memorial will change. The diverse flora and fauna will develop into an ecosystem that seamlessly integrates with the built forms, gradually enveloping them in a cohesive maze of greenery and water. Ultimately, Smritivan will be more than a static monument or garden; It will be a tribute to Koch’s steadfastness and hope.

A pilgrimage site for the families of the victims, it strengthens the resilience of the arid region of Kutch

The design team sought to create an interactive gathering point. Thus, in addition to the reservoirs, a sun point was created at the top of the hill. The sun point provides visitors with sweeping views of the city and encourages meditation. It serves as a solar chromatic calendar, tracking the movements of the sun and moon through the circular ring, with different degrees representing important cultural days. This connection to the universe “recalls one of the largest cosmic event in which one temporarily inhabits”.

Small reservoirs are strategically placed on a land of 452 acres




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