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Global COVID-19 hits total more than 13 million


In just five days, global COVID-19 totals surged from 12 million to 13 million, with countries in the Americas reporting more than half of the world’s cases and nearly two-thirds of deaths.

According to Johns Hopkins, the world total reached 13,177,855 and 574,793 people died of infectious diseases Online dashboard..

Americas tackle large and deadly outbreaks

At today’s briefing at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), MBBS and MSc director Carissa Etienne said the region had 6.8 million cases, accounting for about half of all cases worldwide.

In addition, the death toll is increasing, with three countries in the Americas (Brazil, Mexico, and the United States) reporting 77% of all deaths last week, experiencing the most deadly outbreak in the world. I will.

In Brazil, it noted that the incidence of indigenous communities in the Amazon basin was more than five times the national average, with vulnerable populations being one of the largest hit groups.

PAHO funding to facilitate access to vaccines

Although effective medicines and vaccines are probably months ahead, according to Etienne, it’s important to get started right now to ensure equal access to them when they become available. She said PAHO is negotiating with Kovacs facilityA GAVI-led funding mechanism for access to the COVID-19 vaccine, enabling Latin America and the Caribbean to participate through the PAHO Revolving Fund.

She said PAHO is the only World Health Organization (WHO) region to have such a revolving fund and was established 35 years ago as a sharing mechanism to buy and deliver vaccines at discounted prices. The fund has played an important role in immunizing children, including the elimination of local polio, measles, mumps and rubella.

He said the strategy, regardless of income, would lower prices and mitigate risks more than if the country negotiated individually.

“Especially we should not do this alone, as our cooperation increases the chances of success and reduces competition,” said Etienne. “The COVAX facility is the best option to ensure fair access through fair distribution across countries.”

As a related development, said PAHO is working with Member States to provide technical assistance on issues related to participation in clinical trials. She said that Latin American countries in the Caribbean should participate in efforts to accelerate vaccine development, but only if they adopt appropriate regulations, technology, and ethical measures. It should be added.

France, UK tighten mask rules

French President Emmanuel Macron announced today that in the coming weeks, it will issue rules requiring people to wear masks in shops and other indoor public spaces to prevent further increases in COVID-19 activity. Did, France 24 report. He said there are signs that the level of illness is slightly increasing.

At present, France needs masks only when using public transport and in public spaces where it is not possible to keep a social distance.

At the Festival of Bastille Day, reduced for COVID-19, the country celebrated its role in health care workers and in responding to pandemics. New York Times report. Yesterday it gave health workers a $9,060 million raise.

In the United Kingdom, Matt Hancock, the country’s Secretary of Health and Social Welfare, Announced After July 24th, face covers will be mandatory in shops and supermarkets. Masks are now mandatory for public transport and National Health Service facilities.

He said the mortality rate for retail assistant sales is higher than the general population. “So when you restart shopping, you need to keep the shopkeeper safe,” he said. “There is also evidence that covering the face increases the confidence of those who shop.”

Other global trends:

  • India’s technical hub Bengaluru, a capital of Karnataka with a population of 10 million, was blocked today for a week after the surge of COVID-19 cases. Reuters The city had only about 1,000 cases in mid-June, but as of yesterday, the number has skyrocketed to about 20,000.
  • Canada and the US are expected to extend the ban until at least 21 August, Canadian sources said CNN.. COVID-19 closed the border from March with an agreement between the two countries.
  • Medicago based in Canada today Announced Phase 1 trial of the plant-based candidate COVID-19 vaccine started yesterday. The study enrolls 180 healthy adults, one in three receiving the vaccine alone or in a prime boost regimen with an adjuvant.

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