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The extraordinary discovery of Pompeii reveals victims tragically devastated by the earthquake

The extraordinary discovery of Pompeii reveals victims tragically devastated by the earthquake


A recent discovery of Pompeii reveals that the population fall was caused not only by a volcanic eruption, but by a devastating combination of a volcanic eruption and a simultaneous earthquake.

Archaeologists working at the famous excavation site of Pompeii have made a poignant discovery, unearthing two skeletons believed to be the remains of men who were tragically killed when a wall collapsed on them during the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

The area where the skeletons were found, called the Casti Amanti excavation site, is known to have been less affluent than in Pompeii.

Pompeii Archaeological Park director Gabriel Zuchtrieg believes the two men were likely involved in building projects involving stucco and water-filled flasks.

What is the significance of the discovery?

The discovery has shed new light on the dangers faced by the inhabitants of the ancient city, and provided insight into the devastating force of the earthquakes that accompanied the volcanic eruption.

The bones, now mixed with fragments of the collapsed wall, show various fractures, indicating the severity of the collapse that took their lives.

Zuktrigl asserted that the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which occurred in AD 79, was a catastrophe lasting an astonishing twenty hours, accompanied by relentless earthquakes.

“The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 lasted more than 20 hours. There were various dangers for the people in the city. In the past two and a half centuries, more than 1,300 victims have been found, and only today we have the possibility to study the exact dynamic in which they died with the layers of the earth.” minute.”

Zuchtriegel noted that recent years of research have revealed violent seismic events that occurred in conjunction with the volcanic catastrophe.

Each new discovery brings archaeologists closer to understanding the deep human tragedy that unfolded when Mount Vesuvius unleashed its wrath upon the ancient city.

The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangioliano, stated that “Pompeii is a colossal archaeological laboratory that has regained strength in recent years, astonishing the world with the continuous discoveries being made and demonstrating Italian excellence in this sector.”

Aside from the skeletons, what else was discovered?

In the room, amidst the corpses, important objects emerged, including tilted amphora and a collection of stacked vases, bowls and jugs.

Two walls bear the scars of earthquake damage during the eruption.

The south wall collapsed and hit a man whose arm was raised reflecting a failed attempt to protect.

However, the western wall reveals the dramatic force of the accompanying earthquakes as its upper section has split off, burying the other individual.

In an adjoining room, a stone kitchen counter had powdered lime, indicating repair work nearby during the eruption.

Cretan amphora lined the kitchen wall, while a mural depicting house laris and a sunken earthenware bowl suggested a household shrine for religious offerings.

Watch the video above to take a closer look at this extraordinary find.




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