Famous artists Renée Fleming and Pretty Yende named WHO Goodwill Ambassadors for Art and Health
The World Health Organization (WHO) is pleased to announce the appointment of internationally acclaimed artists Renée Fleming and Pretty Yende as Goodwill Ambassadors for Art and Health. This prestigious announcement was published as part of the 75th World Health Organizationth Celebrating the anniversary during the 76thth World Health Assembly May 22, 2023
Renée Fleming, one of the most celebrated singers of our time, and Pretty Yende, an outstanding soprano known for her dazzling performances, were selected for their artistic achievements and advocacy for improved health outcomes through creative means. On 8 April 2023, Fleming and Yende performed at a special concert called Healing Arts, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of WHOth anniversary in Geneva, Switzerland.
dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, said: “WHO is honored to have Renée Fleming and Pretty Yende join as Goodwill Ambassadors for Art and Health. Their unparalleled talent, dedication to art and commitment to advancing health and well-being make them ideal ambassadors for this important cause. Their participation will inspire individuals, communities and policymakers to recognize and harness the transformative power of the arts in the pursuit of better health for all.”
Fleming brings a wealth of expertise to his new role. She won over audiences around the world with her sparkling soprano voice and compelling artistry. In addition to her extraordinary vocal talent, Fleming was a passionate advocate for research at the intersection of art and health. Her presentations around the world with scholars and practitioners, her leading role in major initiatives and her association with the WHO demonstrate her commitment to harnessing the transformative power of art for a better society.
“I am delighted that a pre-eminent global health agency recognizes the powerful impact of the arts on health, and I am deeply honored to be entrusted with sharing this message,” said Fleming. “Every day, advances in neuroscience and clinical research reveal more about the benefits of art therapies, experiences and education, with implications for well-being across the human lifespan. However, we are only just beginning to realize the incredible potential of this work and I look forward to spreading awareness and outreach as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador.”
Pretty Yende mesmerized the audience with her excellent voice and stunning performances. As a soprano with a deep understanding of the power of music, she has demonstrated a commitment to using her talent for the betterment of society. Yende’s passion for sharing the healing aspects of music and her commitment to social causes align perfectly with WHO’s arts and health agenda.
Yende said: “I am delighted to be appointed as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Arts and Health. I hope to help lay the foundations for continued research into the arts as a fundamental ingredient in improving our physical, mental and social well-being. I am grateful to the WHO- in which he opened the way for new research and provided their global platform for spreading news and creating research on the connection between art and health.”
I look forward to all the opportunities to do important work in my native South Africa and globally for a better and healthier tomorrow,” Yende added.
The appointments of Fleming and Yende underscore the deep connection between art and health. Engaging in creative activities, such as music, art and dance, has a positive effect on physical and mental health, social well-being and the overall quality of life. Through their roles as Goodwill Ambassadors, Fleming and Yende will promote the integration of the arts into health care systems, advocate for access to creative arts therapies, and champion the importance of artistic expression in improving health outcomes globally.
Fleming and Yende join other high-profile WHO Goodwill Ambassadors such as Alisson and Natalia Becker, a Brazilian professional soccer player and his doctor wife; retired Ivorian professional footballer Didier Drogba; Michael Bloomberg, entrepreneur and three-term mayor of New York City; Cynthia Germanotta, president of the Born This Way Foundation; former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown; and television host and author James Chau, among others.
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