Researchers develop chickens that produce allergen-free eggs
with Genome editing technologyResearchers at Hiroshima University have developed shell eggs called ovomucoid (OVM) knockout eggs that are considered safe for people with egg white allergies.
research It was confirmed that shell eggs were produced without OVM, a protein that causes egg white allergy.but food safety Product profiles have a long way to go before they hit retail stores.
“In this study, we examined the expression of mutant proteins in chickens knocked out with OVM by a platinum transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN), the insertion of vector sequences, and the presence or absence of off-target effects,” said Ezaki of Hiroshima University. said Mr. Liang. Assistant Professor.
TALENs are restriction enzymes that can recognize and cut specific DNA sequences. In this research study, TALENs were designed to target an RNA called exon 1, which encodes a specific protein. This allowed the researchers to detect and remove the ovomucoid protein in the egg white.
“Eggs laid by homozygous OVM knockout chickens showed no obvious abnormalities. Egg whites contained neither mature OVM nor OVM truncation mutants,” Ezaki said. “These results demonstrate the importance of safety evaluation and demonstrate that eggs laid by these OVM knockout hens are solving the allergy problem in food and vaccines.”
The researchers concluded that OVM knockout eggs are less allergenic than standard shell eggs and can be safely consumed by patients with egg allergy when used in cooked foods.
Future research will focus on examining the food safety aspects of OVM knockout eggs. Ezaki said even small amounts of OVM can cause reactions in people who are highly allergic to this particular protein.
“The next step in our research is to evaluate the physical properties and processability of OVM knockout eggs and confirm their effectiveness through clinical trials,” said Professor Ezaki. “We will continue our research toward the practical application of allergy-free eggs.”
If this research advances to commercial trials, it will be interesting to see how it is applied and works effectively. According to protein and enzyme company Bioseutica, OVM accounts for 11% of egg white Protects developing chicks from bacterial growth by inhibiting proteases.
While the availability of allergen-free eggs is beneficial for allergy sufferers, Expert of the American Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology It is estimated that only 2% of all children are allergic to eggs, and 70% of them overcome the allergy by the age of 16.
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