More ICU COVID-19 Patients Are Surviving Today: Study
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 (HealthDay News)-A study published Wednesday provided one good news despite a surge in new coronavirus infections in the United States: Severe COVID-19 Patient a few months ago.
In fact, the deaths of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit have decreased by nearly a third in North America, Asia, and Europe since the start of the pandemic, the researchers report.
Overall, ICU deaths fell from nearly 60% at the end of March to 42% by the end of May.
This reflects tens of thousands of lives saved, drugs that work (for example, lemdecivir and dexamethasone) or “hydroxychloroquine” that “doesn’t reflect rapid learning done globally,” COVID -19, according to Tim Cook’s team. He is a consultant in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at Royal United Hospitals Baths NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom.
But the low death rate of highly sick COVID-19 patients does not mean that society can be indifferent to the threat, experts said.
“Successful treatment, if not combined with adequate public health measures to keep new cases rates below the limits of existing health care resources, will only overwhelm ICUs that have just improved, and the past few years. Eliminate all profits earned during the month. COVID-19”. He leads Global Health at Northwell Health in New Hyde Park, NY
In fact, despite improved care, COVID-19 mortality is beginning to rise again in the United States. By Wednesday, there were more than 3.4 million deaths, and by Wednesday there were more than 3.4 million US coronavirus cases. New York Times Aggregate.
And after reaching a ceiling earlier this month, US deaths have risen again. By Monday, five states, Arizona, California, Florida, Mississippi, and Texas, set record levels for average COVID-19 deaths per day for the past week. Washington Post report.
Still, Cook and his team have found that if you’re unlucky enough to land on the COVID-19 ICU, your chances of survival are better now.
Their report is based on an analysis of 24 studies worldwide involving more than 10,000 patients. All studies focusing on ICU deaths in adults fighting COVID-19 published by 31 May.
According to the researchers, this data suggests that improved survival does not depend on a particular treatment alone. They published their findings in a journal on July 15 anesthesia..
Still, something must have changed during the research period. In addition to all the new data on drug therapies that could help breakthrough COVID-19, “ICU admission criteria changed over time, for example, increasing pressure on the ICU early in a pandemic surge. May have been done” news release.
His team also noted that longer ICU stays for COVID-19 patients may take longer to be reflected in published data. In fact, severe COVID-19 illness can last for long periods of time, with approximately 20% of hospitalizations for COVID-19 ICUs in the UK lasting more than 28 days and 9% lasting more than 42 days.
“But the key message is that the progression of the pandemic and the combination of all these factors significantly improved the survival rate of patients admitted to the ICU at COVID-19,” the researchers conclude. It was
Still, it’s too early to congratulate. As Cook’s group noted, the mortality rate for COVID-19 patients in the ICU, even about 42%, is almost double that of ICU patients (22%) fighting other viral pneumonia.
Still, the findings suggest that “as the pandemic progresses, we may be able to cope better with COVID-19.”
Pena, from his side, said that the study “correctly concludes something we expect: as we learn more about this virus and its effects on critical illness, we will treat it and its complications better.” It has become.”
Dr. Syed Iqbal is an ICU doctor on the Long Island Jewish Forest Hill in New York City who was hit hard by COVID-19 early in the pandemic. Reading the results of the study, he said, “The disease has a long course and some patients died after long-term ICU stays. It also indicates that mortality is much higher than other viral diseases. I agree.”
For more information
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing..
Sources: Eric Cioe Pena, MD, Director, Global Health, Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, New York; Syed Iqbal, MD, Intensive Therapist, Long Island Jewish Forest Hill, New York City; anesthesia, News Release, July 15, 2020
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