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Development of first vaccine against new mosquito-borne threat Chikungunya nears development after promising trial results

Development of first vaccine against new mosquito-borne threat Chikungunya nears development after promising trial results
Development of first vaccine against new mosquito-borne threat Chikungunya nears development after promising trial results


top line

A vaccine against Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne infection with symptoms similar to dengue and Zika, is finally on the verge of becoming a reality after promising results from late-stage trials were published in a journal. there is a possibility. lancet Key to tackling emerging global health threats as climate change creates increasingly ideal conditions for the virus to explode, including in the United States.

important facts

Valneva’s single-dose chikungunya vaccine, made from an attenuated virus, is safe and well-tolerated, and elicits a protective immune response against the disease, according to the company’s late-stage clinical trial, published in the peer-reviewed medical journal. said to have caused journal.

The researchers said no safety concerns about vaccination were raised in the trial, which enrolled 4,115 healthy adults nationwide, of whom 3,082 were vaccinated, said Juan, Valneva’s chief medical officer. Carlos Jaramillo said the independent panel that evaluated the data from the trial came to similar conclusions with subsequent reported side effects.

Common side effects reported in trials included headache, fatigue, myalgia, joint pain and injection site pain, which were consistent across different age groups.

Because the study was conducted in the United States, an area where chikungunya is not endemic, the researchers measured the immune system’s response to test whether the vaccine would prevent disease caused by viral infection.

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The researchers found that the immune response was strong in 362 participants (266 of whom were vaccinated), with 99% showing antibody levels considered protective against the virus 28 days after vaccination. .

Antibody levels declined after 28 days, but 96% of vaccinees remained protected six months after vaccination, the researchers said.

big number

$500 million. According to Varneva, this is the estimated global market for chikungunya vaccines by 2032.

Points to note

The length of the trial prevented the researchers from assessing the protective effect of vaccination beyond six months, and a follow-up study to test the immune response over a five-year period was already underway, he said. They said the results after one year are promising. As a preventive measure, the researchers also looked at the risk of miscarriage after vaccination, although this risk was slightly higher among study participants than in the general population. Although this was due to the small sample size and may be a natural statistical variation, two miscarriages were explained by genetic disease or medical history, while the other miscarriage had no identifiable reason. , the researchers said, had not shown any safety concerns. It will be required as vaccines are developed.

what we don’t know

Since this study was conducted in the United States, protection against chikungunya fever is inferred from the immune response induced by the vaccine. Antibody levels predict protection against serious illness (antibodies are proteins that can block viruses from entering cells), but they are only one aspect of the immune system, have a relatively short lifespan, and are not vaccine potential. provide only partial insight into the value of Validating and scaling up the results of the trial and seeing how it works in the real world will require studies in areas where chikungunya is naturally endemic and ever-present. A key factor the researchers are looking at is its impact on children and teens (a trial is underway in Brazil) and whether pre-existing or subsequent exposure to the virus significantly alters responses to the vaccine. is. Kathryn Stevenson, a researcher at the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, who was not involved in the study, put the “real” epidemic in context in a linked commentary post. Real-world effectiveness studies are also important to confirm shot value.

main background

The name Chikungunya fever come From the Kimakonde language, meaning “Bending over” or “bending over” refers to the slouching or contorted posture of a person infected with the virus, as the virus causes severe joint pain. Chikungunya symptoms can be debilitating, lasting for weeks, months, and even years, and include fatigue, headaches, and nausea, in addition to joint pain that can progress to chronic arthritis. This infection is often confused with dengue or Zika, which have similar symptom profiles. Severe illness and death from Chikungunya fever is rare, but children and the elderly are most at risk, but it can still pose a serious health hazard in areas where the virus is endemic, says children. Aslam Khan, Clinical Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases and Fellow of the School of Global Health, said:spoke at Stanford University forbes. There are also no treatments or licensed vaccines that directly target the virus.Varneva, until recently compete It could take the lead over Merck and its plans are being considered by the Food and Drug Administration and Canadian health authorities.

news peg

The source of Chikungunya fever is Aedes Mosquitoes typically live in warm tropical regions of the world and are responsible for spreading other viruses such as dengue, Zika and yellow fever.there were multiple trend This year, chikungunya fever occurred in many parts of the world, including the Americas and parts of Asia. Various health authorities and experts have identified this as symptoms such as: emerging threat To world health.

important quotes

Khan said forbes He said he believed the risk to the United States from Chikungunya was low, but believed “things are changing.” “We’ve already found vectors in the United States, and climate change may eventually create favorable conditions for continued growth and multiplication of those species,” Khan explained. Humans could be potential carriers for viruses that can be spread by infecting these mosquitoes,” he explained.


Floods, heat and other climate hazards are turning 218 infectious diseases into greater threats, study finds (NBC News)

Chikungunya virus story (Lancet)

Disease X: A 100-day mission to end the pandemic (by Kate Kelland)




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