Southern District of New York | US Army soldier pleads guilty to terrorism charges for trying to help ISIS carry out a deadly ambush on US troops
![Southern District of New York | US Army soldier pleads guilty to terrorism charges for trying to help ISIS carry out a deadly ambush on US troops Southern District of New York | US Army soldier pleads guilty to terrorism charges for trying to help ISIS carry out a deadly ambush on US troops](
Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that COLE BRIDGES, aka Cole Gonzales, has pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and to attempted to assassinate the American military service. members based on BRIDGES efforts to assist the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) attack and kill US soldiers in the Middle East. BRIDGES pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Lewis J. Liman.
US Attorney Damian Williams said: As he admitted in court today, Cole Bridges attempted to orchestrate a deadly ambush against his fellow soldiers in the service of ISIS and its violent ideology. Bridges’ treacherous conduct was a betrayal of his comrades and his country. Thanks to the incredible work of prosecutors in this office and our partners in the FBI and the US military, Bridges’ malicious intent has been exposed and he now awaits sentencing for his crimes.
According to the complaint, the indictment to which BRIDGES pleaded guilty, and other documents in the public record, as well as statements made in public hearings:
BRIDGES joined the U.S. Army circa September 2019 and was assigned as a cavalry scout with the Third Infantry Division based at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Beginning in at least 2019, BRIDGES began seeking out and consuming online propaganda promoting jihadists and their violent ideology. BRIDGES has also expressed support for ISIS and jihad on social media. On or about October 2020, BRIDGES began communicating with a secret Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) online employee (the OCE), who was posing as an ISIS supporter in contact with fighters of the Islamic State in the Middle East. During these communications, BRIDGES expressed his frustration with the US military and his desire to help ISIS. BRIDGES then provided training and advice to alleged ISIS fighters planning attacks, including advice on potential targets in New York. BRIDGES also provided OCE with portions of a US Army training manual and guidance on military combat tactics, for use by ISIS.
On or about December 2020, BRIDGES began providing the OCE with instructions for purported ISIS fighters on how to attack US forces in the Middle East. Among other things, BRIDGES mapped out specific military maneuvers intended to help ISIS fighters maximize the lethality of attacks against US troops. BRIDGES further provided advice on how best to fortify an ISIS encampment to repel an attack by US special forces, including wiring certain buildings with explosives to kill US troops. Then, in January 2021, BRIDGES provided the OCE with a video of himself in his US Army body armor, standing in front of a flag often used by ISIS fighters and making a symbolic gesture. support for the Islamic State. About a week later, BRIDGES sent a second video in which BRIDGES, using a voice manipulator, narrated a propaganda speech in support of ISIS’s anticipated ambush of US troops.
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BRIDGES, 22, of Stow, Ohio, pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to ISIS, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and attempting to assassinate members U.S. military service, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. BRIDGES is to be sentenced by Judge Liman on November 2, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
The maximum legal penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the accused will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Williams praised the remarkable efforts of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York, which consists primarily of investigators and analysts from the FBI, the New York City Police Department and more 50 other federal, state and local agencies. Mr. Williams also thanked the United States Army Counterintelligence, the FBI Field Office in Washington, the FBI Field Office in Atlanta and its resident agency in Savannah, the FBI Field Office in Cleveland, the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI, the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Georgia, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, US Army Criminal Investigation Command, the US Army Third Infantry Division, and the Counterterrorism Section of the Department of Justices National Security Division for their help.
This pursuit is handled by the offices of national security and the international narcotics unit. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Sam Adelsberg and Matthew Hellman are charged with the prosecution, with the assistance of District Attorney Michael Dittoe from the Counterterrorism Section.
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