FOR TREES: Plan TREE-mendous activities with your children | News, Sports, Jobs
![FOR TREES: Plan TREE-mendous activities with your children | News, Sports, Jobs FOR TREES: Plan TREE-mendous activities with your children | News, Sports, Jobs](https://ogden_images.s3.amazonaws.com/www.minotdailynews.com/images/2023/06/23210157/Chalk-Tree-Art-333x500.jpg)
Photo submitted Using chalk on tree bark is an activity that allows children to express themselves creatively while discovering the differences between trees.
“Taking children out in nature is one of the most meaningful things a parent can do to raise healthy, happy children.”
End of schools for the summer! It’s the best time of year for the kids, with endless possibilities for fun in the summer sun. But for parents, it can sometimes make us wonder, “How am I going to entertain my children all summer? » To that, I remind parents that you have the best gym and classroom in the jungle right in your own backyard: trees!
Trees are beneficial to everyone’s health and well-being, but they have unique benefits for children, especially when it comes to their development. Creating space for children to learn and play around trees helps them develop physical, social, emotional and personal skills. Trees appeal to all their senses and stimulate their imagination. Exploring natural environments (like climbing trees) develops problem-solving and risk-management skills, builds confidence, and improves dexterity.
Trees can improve children’s academic performance. They allow all children to concentrate better and have even been reported to reduce the symptoms of ADHD. Additionally, children who have access to green spaces, which include trees, have better working memory and may experience an increase in cognitive development. There have been studies that show that students do better on tests if they can even see the green space from their classroom window; imagine the learning they will be able to do this summer outside with you!
Trees can also improve the health of our children. They create a comfortable, shaded area for children to play, which encourages physically active play. It has been found that children who live near trees are more physically active and have lower rates of obesity. It’s not just their physical health; trees are also beneficial for the mental health and well-being of children, limiting stress and promoting relaxation in children and adults.
There are lots of easy and fun activities you can do with your kids, while teaching them about nature. Whether in a park, windbreak or your own backyard, take your kids exploring around a tree. A tree rubbing activity is a simple and creative way to help children discover patterns and textures. It can also help kids discover the different parts and features of trees as they complete their rubs. Kids will love the opportunity to get outside and practice a new art technique!
Have the child hold a piece of paper against the bark of a tree and then, using a pencil, scribble back and forth to make the texture of the bark appear on the page . They can also do it with leaves, twigs or any other part of the tree! Ask your children to compare textures and patterns. How are they different? How are they similar? Did they get different patterns and textures from the same tree, or did the pattern stay the same? After discussing the children’s discoveries, take it a step further and turn the tree prints into abstract art to decorate your walls! Or grab some sidewalk chalk and draw these ridges on the bark to make your trees even more colorful and fun.
Beth Hill is the Outreach and Education Manager for the North Dakota Forest Service in Bismarck.
Sources 2/ https://www.minotdailynews.com/life/arts-entertainment/2023/06/for-the-trees-plan-tree-mendous-activities-with-your-kids/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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