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Compound-driven multiscale tear growth

Compound-driven multiscale tear growth
Compound-driven multiscale tear growth


Tsukuba, Japan – On February 6, 2023, two large earthquakes of magnitude 7.9 and 7.6 occurred in southeastern Turkey, near the Syrian-Turkish border. The two major earthquakes were so close in time and space that they could be considered twins. The shaking from the earthquakes caused massive damage to buildings, roads, and people. The source regions of the two earthquakes are where the Anatolian, Arabian and African plates meet, developing a network of faults with bends, degrees and branches. However, it has been demonstrated how these fault networks enhance and arrest rupture growth in actual earthquakes.

This study analyzed the source processes of the 2023 Turkey-Syria double earthquake and revealed a pyramidal fault growth through an intricate network of faults. In particular, we found that the first earthquake rupture apparently propagated backwards, changing direction of the rupture like a boomerang as the rupture grew from a small fault, which branched sharply from the main fault, into an extensive rupture at the main fault. In both earthquakes, the rupture growth was partial to breakneck speed. In the second earthquake, fault bending promoted rapid rupture growth but abruptly stopped the rupture.

This study revealed that the geometrically complex fault network controls earthquake magnitude, rupture propagation velocity and direction, leading to multiscale rupture growth from small to large-scale rupture episodes. The new results of the 2023 earthquake multiplex show irregular rupture development and diverse inducing behaviors in a single event and across the earthquake sequence, providing important inputs into understanding earthquake rupture dynamics and for better assessing future earthquakes.

### This work was supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 19K04030 and 22K03751, JSPS Early Career Scientists 20K14570, and JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Special Purposes 22K21372.

The original paper

Title of the original paper: Multiscale Fracture Growth with Alternating Directions in a Complex Fault Network During the 2023 Southeast Turkey and Syria Double Earthquake

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters

doi: 10.1029/2023GL103480


OKUWAKI Assistant Professor, Rio Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

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Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences


Geophysical Research Letters

Article title

Multiscale rupture growth with alternating directions in a complex fault network during the 2023 Southeast Turkey and Syria earthquake Doublet

The date the article was published

June 21, 2023

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