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Protecting Children from Mosquitoes in Houston

Protecting Children from Mosquitoes in Houston


If it’s summer in Houston, expect mosquitoes to show up. Our climate brings perfect storms of heat, humidity, frequent rains, and mild winter temperatures that do little to kill them.

Unfortunately, experts expect mosquitoes to be more active in 2023 than they were last year. The Harris County Public Health Mosquito and Vector Control Division (MVCD) has collected 338,059 mosquitoes as of 2023, compared to a total of 293,199 in 2022. Based on current environmental trends, the department expects mosquito populations to increase.

“Mosquito activity is increasing,” said MVCD Director Dr. Max Vigilant. “Mosquito-borne disease activity is difficult to predict, but we will continue to monitor it throughout the peak mosquito season.”

Repel mosquitoes safely

Dr. Ali Naqvi
Dr. Ali Naqvi

What can parents do to keep their children safe while repelling mosquitoes? Dr. Ali NaqviA pediatrician at UT Physicians, he understands the challenge of keeping children away from mosquitoes, but it has to be done in a healthy way.

“According to the EPA, repellents containing DEET are considered safe for children when used according to product label directions,” Naqvi said. “DEET has been extensively studied and studies have shown it to be generally safe for use in children.”

Naqvi emphasizes that it’s important for parents to follow label directions and avoid overuse. Equally important is avoiding the use of inappropriate or unregistered repellents on children. Naqvi says there are common sense and simple ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting children. One is to dress children in light-colored long-sleeved shirts and long pants to minimize skin exposure. Another thing, he says, is to avoid taking children outdoors during peak mosquito activity times, which are usually at dawn, dusk, and after rain. This is difficult as temperatures tend to be cooler at this time of year.

natural way

For those concerned about insect repellent safety, there are various natural methods to consider. In general, here are some natural options families can use to repel mosquitoes:

  • citronella oil: Products containing citronella oil, such as candles and lotions, are considered effective repellents. But Naqvi said this protective effect may not last as long as chemical repellents.
  • essential oil: Certain essential oils, such as lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil, may provide temporary mosquito repellent benefits, but need to be applied more frequently and are not as effective as DEET or other EPA-approved repellents. may not be effective.
  • lemon eucalyptus oil: This oil from the lemon eucalyptus plant offers some protection. Do not use products containing lemon eucalyptus oil or paramentanediol on children under 3 years of age.

Natural remedies may provide some mosquito repellent benefits, but experts don’t know the effectiveness of non-EPA-registered insect repellents, including some natural repellents, Naqvi said.

Tips for parents

Parents should keep the following age-appropriate tips in mind when using products to protect their children from mosquitoes.

For babies under 2 months old: Avoid using insect repellent. Instead, Naqvi recommends placing mosquito nets over strollers, tethers and cribs to protect children.

For older toddlers and children: Apply insect repellent for children. The best method of application is for the parent to spray the hands and rub onto the child’s exposed skin. Do not apply to children’s hands, mouth, eyes, inflamed skin, or cuts.

One of the best ways to combat mosquito populations is to prevent mosquito breeding in the first place. Naqvi provides some tips anyone can follow to control mosquito numbers both indoors and outdoors.

Control mosquitoes outdoors:

  • Once a week, empty, scrape, turn over, cover, or discard planters, buckets, tires, or anything else that has water in it.
  • Tightly cap water storage containers (rain barrels, buckets, etc.)
  • Use a larvicide to treat large containers of water that are not used for drinking and cannot be capped or discarded.
  • Cover open vents and plumbing pipes with wire mesh that has holes smaller than adult mosquitoes.

Control mosquitoes indoors:

  • Install screens on your doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.
  • Use air conditioners or fans to keep indoor areas cool, as mosquitoes are less active in cool environments.




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