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Son goes out against the wishes of his family and infects his father with COVID-19


Miami-For a few weeks, Michelle Zymet begged Stepko to avoid going out with his friends and always wear a mask.

“Not right now,” the Florida woman told him, asking him to think of a father who is at risk for serious COVID-19 illness because he is overweight and diabetic.

One evening in early June, the young man went out against her wishes, met with friends, and took off his mask while eating and drinking. A few days later he felt a cold and a friend of the reception told him that she had a positive response to the new coronavirus. By then, it was already well established in the youth home.

A male father, John Place, 42, is currently fighting the virus in the hospital’s intensive care unit.

The spread of the illness among members of the plantation family in Florida underscores the consequences feared by authorities who feared the recent surge in events that hit younger Floridians could spread to older and more vulnerable people. I am.

“They don’t necessarily have to listen.” Zymet, 42, said “it could be peer pressure.” We are ok ‘They don’t understand that many of us are asymptomatic and are positive carriers of the virus. “

A young man, who did not want to talk to the media, told him that he had taken medicine to his father and stepmother over the counter thinking he had a common cold at first. When a friend heard a positive reaction to the new coronavirus, he didn’t think it was there yet.

However, members of the family began to get sick one by one, including a 14-year-old brother who was overweight wheezing, coughing, and lethargy.

My 6-year-old sister had only a runny nose. The stepmother had a fever and a chill. They all tested positive, but only the father’s place required four days of fever and a nonstop cough followed by hospitalization. He is currently in the hospital for almost three weeks.

As Place is no longer able to work in the photo booth business, Zymet’s friends are raising money for their family as they hesitate to handle large medical bills.

Zymet, who has been accused of his stepmother by calling him a “terrible mother” and an “evil witch,” shares his family’s story during the first rise in infections among young people. She said that is important.

The Mayors of South Florida met with Governor of Florida Ron de Santiis earlier this week and told him that a key factor in the increase in incidents in their area in June was the youth rally.

Carlos Jimenez, mayor of Miami-Dade County, said the young people were celebrating the end of schools and colleges, and in some cases attending street protests, gathering at house parties, underground venues, and restaurants. He said he turned into a bar late. rule.

He said the spread of the family to the elderly seemed inevitable because there were so many closely-coupled, multi-generation families in the community.

“Since young children began to get infected with each other, more and more elderly people were admitted to the hospital, and the results were there,” Jimenez said Tuesday. “Exactly what we feared was that they would take it to their parents, they would take them to their grandparents.”

On Wednesday, Florida passed the confirmed 300,000 mark of the coronavirus, averaging about 96 deaths per day. That’s more than three times what it was a month ago.

Zymet and her family were isolated at home, and Place had been using ventilation for more than two weeks. She says she has helped her son-in-law take care of younger children and study illnesses, and works between hospitals, nurses, and doctors on the phone.

The younger generation “don’t know until I get home,” she said.

“This definitely put us together,” she added. “We may eventually have this disease somewhere, but it’s an unfortunate fact that he brought it back.”


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