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Health effects of synthetic chemicals have doubled over the past five years


Evidence of adverse health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in plastics, pesticides, flame retardants and other products has doubled over the past five years, according to a new review of recent literature.

“It’s a global issue. These are the chemicals used in consumer products around the world,” said Dr Leonardo Trasande, lead author of NYU Langone’s Environmental Pediatrics.

Studies show that PBDE flame retardants are the “most cause of intellectual disability” in children, resulting in the loss of “162 million IQ points and more than 738,000 intellectual disabilities.”

Such exposures also have medical costs, Trasande said. The same study estimates that the health costs of endocrine disruptors in the United States are $340 billion annually. In Europe it was significantly less, at about €163 billion (US$187 billion).

This “explosion of evidence” over the past five years proves that current US regulations are not sufficient to protect citizens from the dangers of endocrine disruptors, saying that The first person, Trasande, said.

And while Europe is leading the United States by banning pesticides and minimizing human exposure, there is still much work to be done around the world. The second analysis was also published Tuesday at The Lancet..

“This scientific problem has matured, accumulated substantial and consistent scientific evidence, and has many, if not the same, impacts on human health for “chemicals of concern” and their substitutes. I repeated that,” said Trassand.

“Therefore, we are looking for an international institution to study endocrine disruption,” Trasande added, suggesting that an international cancer research institute could be a model.

CNN has reached out to several chemical and manufacturing organizations, but not by our publication deadline.

Chemical revolution

“I just want to say one word,” said guest guest McGuire, who met Dustin Hoffman’s character Benjamin Braddock in the 1967 movie “Mr Robinson.”


Today, we can add many other chemical discoveries to the growing list of products that make Western life easier, cleaner, and perhaps safer.

But as the use of these products increased, science learned inside out. Many of these chemicals can leach into our air, water, soil, and ultimately our bodies. There, they can significantly disrupt how our endocrine system-our hormones-regulates mood, gender, tissue function, growth, metabolism, etc.

About 5 years ago, World Health Organization The UN reported on 15 ways in which chemicals used in plastics, pesticides, and flame retardants can affect babies in utero to adults.
  • IQ loss and intellectual disability
  • Autism and attention deficit disorder
  • Childhood and adult obesity
  • Low testosterone, male infertility and testicular dysfunction
  • Endometriosis and fibroids in women.

A new analysis, published Tuesday, adds another 17 of these health effects and increases the number of known chemicals involved. The review found that the evidence was particularly strong for the link between perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. Conditions that have been associated with PFAS chemicals in recent studies include:

  • Impaired glucose tolerance
  • Gestational diabetes and loss of baby birth weight
  • Poor semen quality
  • Obesity in children and adults
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis
  • breast cancer

Other plastics and pesticides are associated with diabetes in adults, premature babies, decreased anogenital distance in boys, poor semen quality, and prostate cancer. Newer studies show a stronger link between insecticides, plastics, flame retardants and cognitive and attention deficit disorders in children.

PFAS does not deteriorate

One of the problems is that the industry creates another chemical hazard as soon as science identifies and eliminates potential chemical hazards. New chemicals can pose very similar health risks if closely related to the original chemicals.

Take, for example, non-stick cookware, stain-resistant clothing, infection-resistant surgical gowns and drapes, cell phones, semiconductors, commercial aircraft, and PFASs used to make low-emission vehicles.

PFAS consists of a chain of carbon and fluorine atoms and is not decomposed in the environment.

“In fact, scientists can’t estimate the environmental half-life of PFAS. This is the time it takes for 50% of a chemical to disappear.” Written by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences..
Two of the most popular PFASs, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), were removed from consumer products in the US in the early 2000s, but more products in the industry. Was born. 4,700+ PFASs Existed in 2018, A number that rises as the industry invents more new forms.
PFAS was detected in the blood of 97% of Americans. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Found

What should I do?

“It’s not hopeless,” Trassande said. “There are safe and easy steps family members can take in their daily lives to limit their exposure.”

Many environmental advocates have made clear and simple suggestions on their websites on how to reduce your and your family’s exposure to endocrine disruptors.

For example, consider PFAS. The latest categories of chemicals for which science records effects on human health include non-stick cookware, oil and water resistant clothing, stain resistant furniture, carpets, luggage and clothing, greasy or oily. Care products made from packaged fast foods, microwave popcorn, personal Teflon™ and ingredients containing “Fluoro” or “Perfluoro”.

“By avoiding the purchase and use of these products, we can potentially reduce our exposure,” Trassande said. “Use stainless steel or cast iron instead of non-stick. Avoiding canned foods will reduce your exposure to BPA. Instead, choose glass and glass wrapped products.

“When it becomes a flame retardant, recirculating air and using moist mops is an effective way to suck up the persistent dust that has accumulated at home from these products,” he said. “Neither of the steps I have described break the bank. It does not require a PhD in Chemistry. People can have a huge impact on this issue, so hope cannot be lost.”


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