What LSU researchers learned about coronaviruses from 22 autopsy hearts | Coronaviruses
Hearts collected from about 24 dead patients Coronavirus The University Medical Center will provide clues as to how illness’s researchers can affect life-threatening organs, according to a new study published Tuesday. circulation, Journal of the American Heart Association.
When the researchers started a study of 22 hearts, they were hoping to find evidence of heart inflammation that contributed to the death of the patient.
Heart inflammation is the cause of death from other flu-like illnesses and is often the leading cause of death. According to Dr. Richard Vanderheide, a cardiologist at LSU Health New Orleans, an earlier study of COVID-19 found that heart inflammation could be a significant factor in why people died of the disease in China. There was evidence of
But the minds of New Orleans patients suggested something else.
“These patients had no significant myocarditis,” Vanderheide said, referring to the specific type of inflammation under study.
After a coronavirus vaccine showed promising results in a study of 45 people conducted by biotechnology company Moderna, the New Ole research site…
Instead of inflammation, researchers were surprised to find dead cells scattered in the heart muscle. Also, unlike other types of coronavirus infections such as SARS, 22 patients studied by LSU researchers have no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in thrombi within cardiomyocytes or intracoronary arteries. was.
Researchers don’t know why, but they still challenge previous assumptions about how coronaviruses attack the body.
The heart still shows signs of dysfunction, which may be the result of the heart having to do more to draw blood into the injured lung, saying infection and inflammation at Tulane University School of Medicine. The researcher, Dr. Jay Kolls, said someone who was not involved in the research.
The (injured lungs) are stiff, so the heart has to press harder.”
This study builds on a previous study from the lung authors of the 10 patients whose heart was used in this latest study. The research is Lancet, It was found that a small blood clot in a small blood vessel lining the lungs of all patients contributed to their death.
Autopsy of 10 African-American victims of New Orleans coronavirus shows that the inside of their lungs is clogged with blood clots…
Twenty-two hearts were donated by a family of 10 male and 12 female patients aged 44 to 79. 19 are black, 1 is Asian, 1 is Hispanic, and 1 is white. About half were obese and half had type 2 diabetes. Most were treated for high blood pressure.
This study is part of a larger effort to create a tissue database of coronavirus-affected organs. LSU Health New Orleans is collecting patient tissue that researchers across the country are demanding, says Vander Heide. Because New Orleans was a virus hotspot, we were able to complete the autopsy sooner than most other cities.
“Hopefully, we can use the tissue database to help other researchers, doctors, and people around the world better understand and treat this disease,” says Vanderheide. Told. “Unlike other viruses reported to date. It has some very unique characteristics that we are still trying to discover and understand.”
When the first case of coronavirus was diagnosed in Louisiana on 9 March, doctors quickly had little information about the threatening illness…
Emily Woodruff Covers The Times-Picayune Public Health | New Orleans Supporter as a Member of the American Legion.
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