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Police summon Kashmiri woman and mother for trip to Turkey


SRINAGAR, Jammu and Kashmir

A Kashmiri woman said on Tuesday that she and two members of her family had been invited to appear for questioning over her trip to Turkey.

Shazia Bakshi, who is the great-niece of the second prime minister of the former state of Jammu and Kashmir, tweeted: “In a pandemic, my niece (9) and my mother (72) have been invited to ‘visit ‘KothiBagh Police Station by @JmuKmrPolice. Why-bcoz spent 5 days in #Turkey in 2017! Apparently taking a vacation is now a “crime” in the former state of J&K. I’ll be happy to “conform” to that dictate. It should be interesting.

In another tweet, she said that according to a police officer from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) who visited her home on Tuesday, it was a “routine check” of all travelers who had visited Turkey. because “relations are now bad between India and Turkey. “

CID Police Special Branch Senior Commissioner Showkat Sorwar told Anadolu News Agency that no branch official had visited anyone’s home regarding a travel investigation in Turkey. Anadolu Agency appeals to the deputy director of the Kothi Bagh police station were not returned.

Turkey has criticized India’s decision last August to remove nominal self-government status from Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian government was pissed off in February when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared the struggle of the Kashmiris to the struggle of the Ottoman Empire in World War I.

Erodgan told the Pakistani parliament that there was “no difference between Gallipoli and Kashmir”. The Battle of Gallipoli was fought between the Allied Powers and the Ottoman Empire.

“Turkey will continue to raise its voice against oppression. The turmoil that our Kashmiri brothers have endured for decades has been exacerbated by the latest unilateral measures, ”Erdogan said, triggering a scathing response from New Delhi.

“These remarks do not reflect an understanding of the history or of the conduct of diplomacy,” India’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

More than 7,300 Kashmiris were arrested and imprisoned in various Indian states after August. Most have been released. Three journalists have been registered under an anti-terrorism law for comments on social media and to report that the police have broken the rules. Two others were interviewed for their stories.

-Contested region

Jammu and Kashmir is partially owned by India and Pakistan and claimed by both in full. A small ribbon is also held by China.

Since their partition in 1947, the two countries have fought four wars – in 1948, 1965, 1971 and 1999 – including three over Kashmir.

Some Kashmiri groups in Jammu and Kashmir are fighting against Indian rule for independence or unification with neighboring Pakistan.

According to several human rights groups, thousands of people have been killed in the conflict since 1989.

The Anadolu Agency website contains only part of the reports offered to subscribers in the AA news distribution system (HAS) and in summary form. Please contact us for subscription options.

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