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2,500 museums that you can now visit virtually


Inside the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam (Tomasz Baranowski /Flickr)

There is no point in coating the sugar, things are bad and they are about to get worse before they get better. The COVID-19 virus has put the world on hold, shutting down all artistic and cultural institutions in the affected countries and quarantining millions of people around the world, self-imposed or not. Meanwhile, if you're hungry for art while you're stuck at home, you might be happy to know that 2,500 world-class museums and galleries are now offering virtual tours and collections online on Google. Arts and culture pages. (And for opera lovers, the New York Metropolitan Opera is concerts for free streaming.)

The Google Arts & Cultures collection includes several of the world's largest museums: the Tate Modern and the British Museum in London, the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, and the Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney Museum in New York, among hundreds of others. In most, you can browse entire exhibits online, and in many, you can also browse the museum using Google Street View.

Here are 12 museums that you can practically visit at the moment:

Guggenheim Museum, New York

See online exhibitions likeBut a storm is blowing from paradise: contemporary art from the Middle East and North Africaand Little-known glass works by Josef Albershere and visit the building virtually here (you would save $ 25).

British Museum, London

Visit the large courtyard of the museum and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone here.

Muse d & # 39; Orsay, Paris

Discover the works of Monet, Czanne, Gauguin and hundreds of other French painters here.

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Stroll among Vermeer, Rembrandt and many masters of the Dutch Golden Age here.

Pergamon Museum, Berlin

The Pergamon is one of the largest museums in Germany and is home to the Ishtar Gate of Babylon and the Greek Altar of Pergamon. here.

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul

Discover the best of Korean contemporary art here.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Explore an American fashion exhibit from 1740 to 1895 and a collection of Vermeer paintings here.

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Here's where you can find the largest collection of works of art by van Gogh, including more than 200 paintings, 500 drawings and more than 750 personal letters.

Louvre, Paris

The Louvre does not need Google to create online tours itself. He has own virtual tours, Thank you very much.

MASP, So Paulo

The Museu de Arte de So Paulo is Brazil's first modern art museum. Visit it here.

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Travel back in time to the 8th century with this collection paintings, drawings, sculptures, illuminated European manuscripts, decorative arts and European, Asian and American photographs.

Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Italy has been the hardest hit by the virus in Europe. Show solidarity and pay for this magnificent gallery visit.

And finally, enjoy this short virtual tour of the 2019 exhibition No bad hole: thirty years of Nayland Blake at the Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art (LAICA), courtesy of the artist himself.

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