Heart transplant, recovery rate for dead donors declined during pandemic
Researchers have reported significant fluctuations in the deactivation of waiting lists for heart transplants, the addition of waiting lists, the recovery of donors, and the volume of transplants since the COVID-19 pandemic developed in mid-March.
” COVID-19 has a pandemic directly And the indirect connection with heart transplants in the United States” Ersilia M. DeFilippis, MD, A colleague writes with a fellow of cardiovascular medicine at the New York Presbyterian Hospital. “In addition to challenges related to safety and resource allocation, changes in behavior and activities as a result of social distance measures continue to affect the pool of dead donors.”
For this cross-sectional study, JAMA Cardiology, Researchers used data published by the US Organ Transplant Network (UNOS) and CDC to deactivate the waiting list for COVID 19 and earlier periods from January 19 to March 15 We assessed recovery of additional and dead donors and changes in transplant volume. Compared to the COVID-19 period From March 15th to May 9th.
Researchers observed that weightlist deactivation increased by 75% between COVID-19 and COVID-19, 67% of which was due to COVID-19 precautions.
In the COVID-19 era, new additions to the waiting list for heart transplants were reduced by 38% compared to the previous eight weeks.
Investigators found that the addition of new waiting lists decreased in all regions of the United States, with the largest reductions in the northeast (69% decrease), Great Lakes (52% decrease) and southwest, except in the South, Midwest, and Northwest. (42% decrease). In the Midwest, meanwhile, the addition of waiting lists for heart transplants increased by 8.5%.
Overall, the recovery of adult, dead donors was reduced by 26% between the two periods. This change was observed at a national level, even in areas with low prevalence of COVID-19 infections.
In addition, the largest declines were found in the North Midwest, with 41% less recovery for dead donors.
“COVID-19 was present in some communities prior to March 2020. Therefore, deactivation of some waiting lists prior to March 15, 2020 was secondary to COVID-19. , But it could allow the transplant specialists to submit, store, and manage transplant-related data that couldn’t be coded that way in UNet, an electronic system managed by UNOS).” Is writing. “Still, we looked at the overall trend of inactivation. Donor’s COVID-19 status was not available for analysis.”
According to this study, the amount of heart transplants decreased by 26% in the United States from the pre-COVID-19 era to the COVID-19 era. In addition, there was no regional variation in the amount of transplantation in the COVID-19 era (17% in the southeast, 19% in the southwest, P = .07).
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“If a future surge of COVID-19 cases occurs, we need to be prepared for more inactivation and fewer transplants,” the researchers wrote. “In the coming months, we will need to monitor the impact of deactivation of these waiting lists and the reduced port load on mortality on the waiting lists.”
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