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Oldham News | Main News | OCL to recreation centers reopen this weekend


Date published: July 23, 2020

Oldham Community Leisure (OCL) is preparing all of its locations for reopening on Saturday, July 25.

Saddleworth Leisure Center, Oldham Leisure Center, Royton Leisure Center, Chadderton Wellbeing Center, The Radclyffe Athletics Center and Failsworth Sports Center will already reopen this Saturday, as government corona virus restrictions have been lifted.

The OCL Recreation Centers are open to members as well as the rest of the community for pre-booked activities including the gym, group lessons, swimming, courts, bowling, table tennis and swimming lessons.

Trampoline jumping classes will also resume from August 3.

To ensure that OCL manages customer numbers and ensures that everyone has the opportunity to book a session, it initially limits customers to one booking per day.

The team is working closely with UK sports authorities to ensure it complies with current government COVID-10 safe guidelines and has adopted a comprehensive cleaning regime and social distance measures. The number of customers will be reduced to give everyone the space they need.

OCL’s Chief Executive, Stuart Lockwood, says, “We can’t wait to reopen our doors and welcome our valued customers to return to leisure centers and the activities they missed during lockdown. It’s been four long months!

“Ready to reopen has a lot of hard work from my team and I am excited to share the changes in our recreation centers with the local community. For starters, it may feel or look a little different, but every effort has been made to prioritize the health and well-being of both staff and customers. ”

If you are unsure about what to expect while you are there, the team has made a video which can be found on the website with more detailed information about the reopening.

Stuart Lockwood says, “We ask our customers to take the time to read our guidelines carefully and watch the video as it will help us to assist you.

“There may be new rules and regulations in our recreation centers, but we can still promise you the same friendly welcome and care and attention from our knowledgeable staff.

“Gym equipment will be spread out and the different areas of the centers will be used for courses and training. We are running more of your favorite classes with reduced numbers.”

OCL offers an improved cleaning regime and a hand disinfection program. The team asks customers to respect others and clean the equipment after use. There will be markings and arrows to guide people in the recreation centers of the trust.

Online services will continue to exist for people who foreclose or who are not quite ready to go to the recreation centers. It has also pledged to continue its REACH exercise referral program in a virtual capacity.

Lockwood concludes, “We have missed our customers and I am confident they will feel reassured by the changes. We warmly welcome you. Stay safe, stay apart and stay active. ‘

All activities require advance booking via the OCL website (, the Oldham Active app or by calling 0161 207 7000

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