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Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp sees more potential in his favor despite his title victory


Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp believes there is still room for improvement in his squad, even after their runaway first Premier League title win.

A 5-3 win over Chelsea was the ideal warm-up to the trophy presentation party that followed Anfield, with injured captain Jordan Henderson finally getting his hands on the only piece of silverware that has been missing for 30 years.

Liverpool had actually won the title in March before the coronavirus was shutdown and entered the last weekend with an 18-point lead over rivals Manchester City.

Judging by plans for another festive celebration at the team’s hotel base in Formby, a trip to Newcastle on Sunday may be a disappointment, but Klopp expects his players to fight again when the new campaign kicks off.

More specifically, that refers to Naby Keita, who impressed Chelsea in yet another of his good but sporadic appearances since his move from RB Leipzig two years ago.

Any player who has played the most games now can improve, it is, Klopp said.

The age group they are in, make better decisions and are clearer in what they do.

Other players, they didn’t play that much: Naby is a good example of that, (graduated from academy) Curtis Jones is a good example of that although we don’t want to make it too big but he looks a bit ready too so we have room and we have potential for improvement and we are going to work on that.

Liverpool's Naby Keita made an impression on Wednesday

Liverpool’s Naby Keita made an impression on Wednesday (Phil Noble / PA)

We had a party, then we need to recover, then we play against Newcastle. We have 96 points and of course it would be very nice if we could get 99.

It will be difficult, but who cares, it was very difficult against Chelsea because they were so good and the boys did it anyway.

Virgil Van Dijk, captain of the team in Henderson’s absence, believes the mindset that has developed in Liverpool’s dressing room means there’s every chance they’ll push again.

We always find a way to win, we have been doing it all season, the Dutch international told Sky Sports.

We had great results Aston Villa away and Wolves away those times when we just dig deep, find a way and get the result we needed.

It is the mentality of the group of players we have, the hard work we put into training every day and this group of players is very special.

There were on the field, everyone gets along, everyone on the field is there to help each other, everyone wants to fight for each other.

That’s the least the Liverpool fans want to see from us and we all want that from ourselves.

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