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Regeneration PDIP, Trah Sukarno and Kans Jokowi lead the bull


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) prepare for full regeneration. The regeneration plan was proposed directly by the president of the PDIPMegawati Soekarnoputri.

Megawati has set up a full party regeneration in 2024, or coincides with the political year of the presidential elections.

“We are going to do a regeneration, we can say that the total is in 2024,” Megawati said during a speech during the inauguration of the 20 PDIP DPD / DPC offices conducted online Wednesday (7/22).

The event was Mega’s first moment to speak of party regeneration since being re-elected as PDI-P president in August 2019.

Mega did not explain in detail the purpose of the total regeneration it conveyed. But he hinted at the existence of political parties in a country that has existed for so long.

He cited the United States which has two political parties namely the Republic and the Democrats which still exist today.

The brief gesture of the political observer at the University of Jakarta Paramadina Ahmad Khoirul Umammemaknai Megawati was a regeneration of leadership.

According to him, Mega’s statement on total regeneration in 2024 was the result of political reflection or awareness of the need for new leadership in the PDIP.

Alleged Khoirul, Megawati realized that her party was behind schedule in preparing a cadre of national leaders.

Megoirebut’s awareness, Khoirul continued, could be inspired by the regeneration Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) had achieved within the Democratic Party.

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono was officially president of the Democratic Party for the period 2020-2025 after being unanimously elected to the V Congress of the Democratic Party at the JCC, Senayan, Jakarta on Sunday (15/3).Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus HarimurtiYudhoyono (AHY). It is said that regeneration within the Democratic Party prompts the PDIP to do the same. (Photo: Doc. Democratic Party)

SBY has appointed his eldest son Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono as the 2020-2025 Democratic Democratic President. Khirul’s observation, the regeneration of SBY to AHY produced incentives for the Democratic Party’s eligibility.

“The PDIP has only just realized that regeneration is fundamental to creating an effective political machine. The PDIP is now inspired by Democrats, due to Democrats doing regeneration faster,” Khoirul said., Thursday (23/07).

Previously, regeneration to the PDIP did not work optimally.

So far, regeneration has only taken place at the level of the DPP, not at the head of the party leadership. Megawati has not been touched at the highest PDIP seat since the party’s formation in 1999 or for two decades.

Under such political conditions, Khoirul called PDIP must be able to gracefully proceed with full regeneration in 2024. Otherwise, it is risky to trigger internal fragmentation and polarization.

Fragmentation of the Sukarno race

According to him, the risk of fragmentation is quite high. In addition, in its observations, the internal PDIP has so far been divided into several factions.

Khoirul said fragmentation was more likely to occur between Megawati’s two children, namely Puan Maharani and Muhammad Prananda Prabowo.

“If these two cars cannot be communicated properly, they will become Warning, dangerous for the future of the party, ”he declared.

However, he continued, the process of regeneration to the highest PDIP president must also open up opportunities for non-racial cadres in Sukarno.

According to him, one of the non-Sukarno-race cadres who had the opportunity to become PDI-P president to replace Mega was President Joko Widodo.

Khoirul said Jokowi with a 10-year presidential past could be an alternative to the new PDIP leadership in 2024.

“[Pada] 2024, Jokowi will be finished and Jokowi to be recalled as having the capacity to run the country for 10 years [atau] two presidential periods and this has the potential to be an alternative for a new leadership in the PDIP, ”said Khoirul.

“In addition, with the Java segment, with identities close to minority groups,” he added.

President of the Indonesian Democratic Wrestling Party (PDI Perjuangan) who is also the fifth Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri (center) with daughter Puan Maharani (left) and son Muhammad Prananda Prabowo (second from right) showing her dyed fingers after having used his right to vote in the 2019 TPS 62 elections, Kebagusan, Jakarta, Wednesday (04/17/2019).  BETWEEN PHOTOS / Indrianto Eko Suwarso / aww.Puan Maharani, Megawati Soekarnoputri and Muhammad Prananda Prabowo. (BETWEEN PHOTOS / Indrianto Eko Suwarso)

The different candidacy scenarios called Khoirul always depend on the figure of Megawati.

According to him, Megawati still holds full authority and plays an extraordinary role in the regeneration process of the next 2024 PDIP.

Mega is also believed to be able to anticipate various issues that may arise during regeneration and pick the right name to then socialize with party officials.

“Mega has an important political stake, even majority and dominant. Soft landing determined from exercise Mega authority, if he prepares a name that strengthen then socialized, can neutralize the potential for ripples that occur both inside and outside the family, ”Khoirul said.

Puan or Prananda

Indonesia’s Al-Azhar University political observer Ujang Komarudin called the PDDIP behind the Democrats in terms of regeneration.

He suspects that the call for a total regeneration of Megawati comes because the fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia sees the current political and social map starting to lead to young leaders.

“It could be socio-political in Indonesia, which means Indonesian politics has led to young leaders. Not just in Indonesia because in the world it has been,” he said.

President Joko Widodo tests the MRT from Hotel Indonesia roundabout station to Lebak Bulus station.President Joko Widododismanage as a figure outside the Sukarno race who has the opportunity to become President of the PDIP. (CNN Indonesia / Christie Stefanie)

In the lineage of Khoirul, according to Ujang, the first regeneration at the top of the bull leadership would fall into the hands of Puan or Prananda. The scenario is most likely to occur based on a number of considerations.

According to Ujang, the relay to Puan or Prananda can minimize internal political friction.

In terms of ideology, Puan and Prananda are seen as capable of ensuring that the party always adheres to the tenets of Sukarno’s ideology.

“This regeneration will go to the Mega family because once held by another race, the fight will be more fierce,” Ujang said.

However, regardless of who leads in the future, PDIP post Megawati believes Ujang will still have a lot of testing.

The test, Ujang said, was primarily triggered by the presence of a number of factions within the group wearing the white bull’s muzzle.

The party’s success through political scrutiny, he said, was very much determined by Mega’s political strategy to regenerate. And, no less important, the new strategy of the leader PDIP in the management of the party.

“It is not certain whether the PDI will win the elections again in the future, depending on Mega’s strategy in regeneration and the strategy of the new leadership,” Ujang said.

(mts / wis)

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