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Innovation defines future skill requirements for law students – BML Munjar Law School & Bahura Studies | Indian Education, Education News India, Education News


Gurugram: BML Law Department at Munjar University (BMU) and legal legal search and consulting firm Vahura today announced the first findings, Decoding the Next – Gen Legal Professional. This study aims to identify practitioners’ perspectives on the practice of law and identify the relevant skills needed for lawyers in a rapidly changing legal environment in India. Commissioned by the BMU School of Law, this study provides credible information about the future of legal practice and the skills employers need to value legal professionals today’s rapidly changing careers in law. Notify students seeking The study also highlights skill gaps in law education and serves as an industry evaluator informing law school curriculum choices.

The research report highlights that legal professionals are in the midst of a major transformation. The rise of a new generation with changing client demands, different career expectations, automation, and innovations such as AI will continue to accelerate the transformation of legal professionals. The findings show how lawyers will change law practices in India over the next decade. An astonishing 90% of all respondents said the digital and technology explosion will be the most significant change witnessed in this sector. Among the other significant changes the sector has witnessed, 64% of respondents point to increased competitiveness between law firms and 49% to companies growing their internal legal resources.

Research shows that legal technology solutions can replace some human roles at the entry level by automating repetitive, standardized tasks, but make documents more efficient. Expect to augment other things, including reviews, Over 42% of all respondents say they expect 20% of their daily tasks to be automated. In this scenario, lawyers need to be up to date on the latest technological developments as well as develop and hone their skills in key areas. The survey is listed in order of the importance of the qualities currently held by young lawyers due to their relevance and demand. Research and analysis (94%) dominate the chart, attention to detail and accuracy (93%), ability to work hard (71%), open learning ability (72%), oral and communication skills ( 88%).

Because of the potential for technology-catalyzed legal turmoil over the next decade, a survey shows that the skills that lawyers believe are the most important for survival and success in the highly competitive legal industry over the next 3-5 years. Collect The top skills needed are understanding and predicting client needs (81%), followed by technical skills (74%), commercial awareness (71%) and time management (57%).

The survey also points out what lawyers and law firms want from potential new employees. Most respondents, 76%, say that law schools should provide students with hands-on training with an emphasis on drafting contracts, arguments, procedures, and building the foundations of law. 72% of respondents say they need to improve their drafting and negotiation skills, and 61% say law school should provide legal and technical training to prepare students for the future.

What most respondents emphasize in this survey is that while maintaining that there are enough schools to meet the demands of the lawyer’s marketplace, the key skills that lawyers should have It is in the required skills. 42% of respondents feel there is enough law school to meet the market demand for lawyers, but 30% still believe that there will always be some of the best law school locations in the future. Over 60% of respondents believe that Indian law schools are not keeping up with the changing environment. Interestingly, the main areas of training that law firms say they need to focus on with young lawyers over time are time management, research skills, human and interpersonal skills, and business communication.

BML Munjar University Prime Minister Sunil Kantommunjar congratulates both teams on their initiative during the start of the investigation. The survey identified skill gaps in legal education. Hands-on learning and personalized legal education are the foundation of its pedagogy and curriculum. In the current scenario, law school plays an important role in training and developing lawyers with the skills and attitudes essential to modern day legal practice. We believe these findings are of interest to both industry and students.

BML Munjar University seeks to transform education across disciplines by studying how different sectors evolve and integrating this knowledge into the curriculum. In addition, the focus on hands-on hands-on training prepares students for the real world. The Faculty of Law evaluates what the industry expects of legal professionals in terms of the skills and behaviors needed in the future and empowers students accordingly. In addition, due to the technology that has a great impact on the legal industry, the judgment of lawyers becomes even more important, focusing on the development of soft attributes such as emotional intelligence and communication skills. Niger Nuggehalli (Dr.), BML’s Dean of Law, said: Munjar University

On the report, Bhafra CEO Ritvik Lukose said that, from an external perspective, the legal ecosystem may appear to be stuck in another century. However, the study is keenly aware of the times of rapid change in the legal world, and as a practitioner, educator, and stakeholder, they recognize the need to embrace technology and build new skill sets. It shows that. Recent headlines on eCourts, online dispute resolution, and legal technology are some of the well known examples of how law practices are changing.

BML Munjar School of Law currently offers BA, LL.B undergraduate integrated degree programs. (Hons.) and BBA, LL.B. (Hons.). By design, these programs aim to nurture students’ curiosity, understand the fine nuances of law, and use this understanding to tackle complex legal issues. The curriculum is designed in consultation with key legal practitioners to ensure students have the latest knowledge and skills needed to prepare for work. The two programs offered by the Faculty of Law comply with the latest Indian Council Regulations and University Grants Commission Regulations. In addition, the wide variety of electives available to students allows emerging professionals to be truly innovative practitioners, working on law from an interdisciplinary perspective in commerce, humanities, and technology.

Survey method

BMU undertook this study in April and May 2020. The survey was conducted by Vahura and is currently receiving over 200 responses from lawyers working at boutique law firms large and small in the major and mini-metro cities of Delhi NCR, Mumbai and Bangalore. Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata. Eighty percent of the respondents were based in law firms in three major cities: Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. Of these, 58% were men and 40% were women.

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