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Fritz Pollard Alliance “Troubled” by Allegations Against Jets Owner Woody Johnson


The Fritz Pollard Alliance, which favors diversity in the NFL, has been “deeply troubled” by allegations that Woody Johnson, owner of New York Jets, made racist and sexist comments in his role as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

Fritz Pollard chairman Harry Carson and executive director Rod Graves, a former Jets executive, made a statement Thursday morning calling on the union to monitor the matter and take action if necessary.

“The Fritz Pollard Alliance is deeply troubled by allegations of insensitive race and gender comments made by (Johnson) …” the statement said. “Accusations of this nature, if true, are harmful to the social fabric of our country and cannot be tolerated.

“Although these are only allegations at the moment, they are serious. We call on the NFL to monitor this situation closely and, if the allegations are well-founded, to take appropriate action and work to eradicate such feelings of the NFL community. “

The NFL acknowledged that she was aware of the matter, but referred the media to the State Department.

Johnson, who relinquished daily control of the franchise in 2017 to accept the diplomatic post, is being investigated by a State Department watchdog amid allegations that he made racist comments about black men and the Black’s purpose History Month called into question, CNN reported Wednesday. He claimed that black fathers do not stay with their families, calling it the “real challenge.”

He also commented on women’s actions at the embassy and public events, according to the CNN report, saying that he preferred working with women because they are cheaper and work harder. Johnson reportedly held meetings at a male-only club that prevented female diplomats from coming before being told to discontinue the practice by another diplomat.

Johnson denied in a 33-word statement on his Twitter account that he made insensitive comments about race and gender. He also said that he “has always followed my office’s ethical rules and requirements” – a reference to a New York Times report stating that he once tried to use his position to win the open championship to President Turnberry Resort To lure Donald Trump into Scotland.

On Wednesday, Trump denied the report and told reporters in the White House, “I read a story about it today and … I never spoke to Woody Johnson about doing that, no.”

Johnson’s three-year term as ambassador will soon be over, and he may return to the Jets by the end of the year. His younger brother, Christopher, has been running the franchise since August 2017.

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