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MAKI Surati Jokowi requests revocation of Indonesian citizen status Joko Tjandra


Reports by reporter Ilham Rian Pratama

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Boyamin Saiman, coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), wrote to President Joko Widodo to request the revocation of fugitive status in the case of the transfer of Bank Bali’s request (cessie), Joko Tjandra.

Boyamin felt that the status of Indonesian citizen Joko Tjandra should be revoked as he already has a Papuan citizen in the form of a passport in the name of Joe Chan, which will expire in 2023.

“Today MAKI sent a letter to President Jokowi to revoke the status of Indonesian citizens from Joko Soegiarto Tjandra,” Boyamin told in a written message Thursday (7/23/2020).

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Boyamin said the revocation of citizenship status was aimed at freezing Djoko Tjandra’s assets and ownership shares.

Because, according to him, printing electronic KTP from Djoko Tjandra to Kelurahan Grogol Selatan, Kebayoran Lama some time ago was not only dealing with judicial review (PK) in South Jakarta District Court .

“But apparently managing its assets and actions in the form of holding an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders [RUPSLB] “companies that haven’t been able to do it so far because they are overseas and don’t have a KTP,” he said.

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“Our government must dare to hold the hostages, freeze Joko Tjandra’s assets to force him to return home and be ready to serve a 2-year prison sentence,” he said.

In a letter numbered: 078 / MAKI / VII / 2020, Boyamin said he would sue Jokowi in the State Administrative Court (PTUN) if his request was not met.

“That if the citizenship in the name of Brother Joko Soegiarto Tjandra is not revoked in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we will take legal action against the state administrative court,” he said.

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