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Spain tries to contain spiral infections, rescue tourism season


MADRID (Reuters) – Regional authorities across Spain imposed fresh coronavirus restrictions on Thursday aimed at sealing a rise in infections that continues to oppose control efforts and is hurting tourism.

PHOTO PHOTO: A man wearing a face mask looks at his cell phone after Catalonia regional authorities and city council announced restrictions to improve the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in Barcelona, ​​Spain, on July 21. year 2020. REUTERS / Nacho Doce

The new cases had slowed to a scuffle in June, before a nationwide blockade was lifted, but since then more than 280 clusters have been uncovered, with rich Catalonia weakest affected, leaving mostly empty hotels and bars closed.

Health ministry data showed 2,615 new cases in Spain on Thursday, compared to a daily average of just 132 in June.

In Catalonia, nearly 8,000 cases have been diagnosed in the last 14 days – almost half of the 16,410 detected nationwide – despite instructions for residents of the regional capital Barcelona to stay home.

Murcia, in southeastern Spain, sealed 30,000 people in the city of Totana on Thursday, barring anyone from entering or leaving after 55 bar-related cases were discovered there.

And, in a deepening dispute between regional and central authorities, Madrid is urging the central government to impose stricter controls on the city’s Barajas airport as more than 70 passengers landed in the capital as they became infected.

Madrid authorities also asked citizens to wear masks at home, when they are with people they do not live with.

Promoting a similar message, the Canary Islands launched a graphic advertising campaign in which a family celebration turns into tragedy when the grandfather ends up lying unconscious in a hospital bed after contracting COVID-19.

“A simple family reunion can bring you like 40 days present in a coma, or even death,” the slogan reads.

Failure to control the epidemic could cause disaster for Spain’s tourism sector, which accounts for about 12% of economic output and has begun a trial reopening after occupying more than halved hotels in the first six months of the year.

Since the French prime minister failed to rule out closing the border with Spain, the focus is now on what other European countries could do.

The Norwegian government is set to decide on Friday whether to impose a 10-day quarantine on people traveling back from high-risk countries, after warning that Spain could be included in that list.

Although infections are on the rise in Spain, officials say most are asymptomatic and the death rate remains well below peak, in part because new cases are more concentrated in young people.

Reporting by Nathan Allen; Additional reporting by Clara-Laeila Laudette, Joan Faus in Barcelona and Nerijus Adomaitis in Oslo; Editing by Ingrid Melander and Toby Chopra

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