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Papuan priests call for independence


Father John Bunay (center), coordinator of the Papua Peace Network, speaks at a press conference on July 21. (Photo provided)

More than 50 indigenous priests joined with civilian groups to oppose the extension of special autonomy status in the troubled region of Papua in Indonesia and called for an independence referendum. Some 57 priests from four dioceses say that a special autonomy law in force in the region since 2001 has not improved the lives of Papuans. Despite this law, human rights violations continued, they said in a statement released on July 21. Father John Bunay, their spokesperson and coordinator of the Papua Peace Network, said the problem with Jakarta is that he only sees the law in terms of allocating money, which has had an insignificant impact on life of the Papuans, who remain the poorest people in the country. The central government has ignored the human aspect of Papua, he said. “In reality, what is written in the law on human rights issues does not work,” he told UCA News on July 23. trillion rupees ($ 650 million) as well as the obligation to end human rights violations. Indonesian President Joko Widodo has called for the extension of the Papuans’ special autonomy status. Interior Minister Tito Karnavian said discussions on the issue would be completed before the end of the year. The priests said the majority of Papuans do not agree with an extension and want self-determination. Quoting Vatican IIJoy and hope, the priests said that the joy and the hope, the suffering and the anxiety of the Papuans was their joy and their hope, their sorrow and their anxiety. “We are not speaking for ourselves but for the Papuan children and grandchildren, they said. They proposed, with 23 civilian groups, a dialogue between Papuan representatives and Jakarta on the possibility of a referendum.” Instead of continuing the conflict, why not hold a referendum? We only want our people not to be killed again, said Father Bunay, also coordinator of the Papua Peace Network. Father Bunay stated that the opinions expressed by the priests were their own and did not necessarily correspond to those of their bishops and religious superiors. There are bishops who have expressed their support for our movement, he said. He said a copy of their statement had been sent to the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference and other church institutions. Father Gabriel Ngga, provincial of the Franciscans of Papua, said he knew some of his priests were among the 57 but declined to comment further on their requests. He told UCA News that there was no internal conflict in the order regarding the indigenous Papuan priests. Siprianus Bunai, of the Catholic organization Vox Populi Institute in Papua, supported the priests, saying they were voicing the concerns of many oppressed Papuans. “” As a Papuan and Catholic, I feel my voice is represented by them, “he said.

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