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Women refuse to wear masks at the bakery because pants do not block the smell of fart


Why should I wear a face mask during a pandemic as pants don’t block the smell of fart? It’s the blaniac logic of one California woman.

There are currently two types of people in the world. Those who see the rationale for wearing a face mask, even as a small precaution when a place begins to emerge from the other side of the outbreak. And some people don’t. The funny thing is that this group is much more vocal.

In the United States, more than 4 million confirmed cases of coronavirus have killed 145,000. But in some of these numbers, somehow, the holiness of “freedom” is more important than using face covers. Well, at least they have good objections-for example, what are masks used for if pants do not hide farts?

You can check the discussion in the video below:

The latest madness emerging from Musk’s debate was filmed by William See on Monday, July 20, at the Panera Bread branch in Chico, California.

In this clip, an unnamed, unmasked woman who isn’t covering her face is being denied service by cafe staff. She asks: “So I’m not wearing a mask, so you’re not going to serve me?” William replies. “No, they don’t serve you because you don’t wear a mask, that’s exactly right.”

Curiously, the woman actually has a face mask through the arguments given to her by the staff – Ergo, that’s a point of personal principle more than simply not having a mask with her.

Henry, one employee at a restaurant, said Newsweek: She threatened to go home with her husband after she left. She was provided with a disposable mask by us, which is shown in the video, but she refused to wear it.

William adds: “Just put on a mask! You give such an aura. Your selfish piece comes out of here. You are so selfish.” Then she turned to the man, ” Stop it, stop it!” he replies: “Because you risk all of us!”

On a shocking turn, the woman was blowing towards William and his friend. Then he says: “Oh come to your child and raise an f * up woman.”

At this point, she compared the ability of women, who couldn’t protect people from viruses, to protect them from wearing masks, with the ability of trousers that couldn’t hide their fart odor.

She says: “Do you think that mask is going to protect you? You can sniff a fart from your ass Fart. You think that mask is going to protect you Would you like?”

When William leaves the store, he says: Thank you very much! ‘The employee called the security guard while the video was filmed, but they arrived only after she left the store.

Following a video posted on William’s Facebook, a spokesperson for Panerabed explained, “The health and safety of employees and guests is our number one priority.”

“We promise to follow California’s COVID guidance, which requires team members and guests to wear masks. We provide masks to guests who do not have masks, and offer accommodation wherever possible. We strive to provide.

Do you think being asked to wear a face mask is a form of oppression? If so, grow.

You don’t have to panic about everything that is happening in the world right now. The purpose of the LADbible and UNILAD campaigns is Cut through, To provide our community with facts and stories from people who are eligible to comment or who have experienced firsthand the situation we are facing. For more information from the World Health Organization, here.


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