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The RHIT team awards the highest prize for the global healthcare idea | Local News


A team of students at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology has won the grand prize in an international design competition that encourages innovative medical technologies to address global health concerns, such as current pandemics and potential viral outbreaks.

This spring, young biomedical engineering student Carla Archuleta and electrical electrical engineering major Abel Keeley designed a low-oxygen saturation monitoring system for numerous patients in acute care.

The program was part of a Global Engineering for Health course taught by Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Deborah Walter. Senior computer engineering student Heda Wang is working this summer on developing a prototype in hopes of testing and collecting data over the next school year.

The innovative student idea was one of four major awards winners in this year’s Design Competition, which is providing technical support to bring promising projects into reality in the near future. There were 28 applications involving more than 100 developers from across Europe, Africa and North America.

My sister is a health care provider and she mentioned that one of the challenges hospitals are now taking on is how to monitor and provide care for patients while trying to minimize time spent in the room with vulnerable and / or infectious patients. That was the inspiration for this project, said Keeley, from Siracuse, New York.

Archuleta added, We thought a low-cost system would be beneficial for low-resource countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The student team continues to discuss development issues with Walter each week throughout the summer.

Once we get back to campus (this fall) it would be good to keep working on the prototype and test the device. From there, we want to make design improvements, said Archuleta, of Littleton, Colorado.

UBORA, which provides online infrastructure services to the medical community, sought open source technology solutions for COVID-19 or similar infectious disease outbreaks. Students in this spring term of the Global Engineering for Health course returned to the international design competition as international travel restrictions thwarted their original plans to fix hospital equipment while living in the Dominican Republic during the summer.

I’m passionate about helping others on a global scale, such as those in low-resource countries that do not have access to adequate health care, said Archuleta, whose career plans are to become a member of a research team and design for a biomedical company. I think that, as an engineer, it is my duty to use my skills to help others to the maximum of my skills and I have always been passionate about the healthcare sector. “I’m interested in biomedical instruments and hope to create medical devices such as surgical instruments.”

Meanwhile, Keeley enrolled in the Global Engineering for Health course with the hope of contributing to the global community while practicing practical skills and learning more about the basics of electrical engineering and biomedical engineering.

My main goal in engineering has always been to build things that help people. To achieve this, I plan to take a design-oriented job in the electronics industry, he said.

This article was provided by Tribune-Star byRose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

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