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Announcement coming next week of the plan to reopen Ontario schools


TORONTO – Education Minister Stephen Lecce says the government is finalizing health protocols for resuming school in September and that an announcement could come as soon as next week of what it will look like.

Back in June the Ford government asked school boards to prepare three separate plans for the resumption of online learning only, a hybrid model with children attending in-day lessons in different weeks or weeks and the complete resumption of in-person learning.

Boards still have until Aug. 4 to present those plans, but Lecce revealed Thursday that a notice could come ahead of that regulation and the various rules schools will have to enforce.

A spokesman for the education minister later clarified to CP24 that the announcement would be about consistent standards to be set in schools across Ontario for things like landing arrangements and wearing masks.

The decision on which model a particular board will follow will still be left to local public health officials, the spokesman said.

We are completing health protocols and are working very closely with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and some of the best pediatric minds in the country who are informing the plan, Lecce said during a press conference in Brampton. We believe we will be able to find out next week. This will include additional support and resources to enable our boards to succeed.

Lecce initially said that individual school boards will be able to choose which plan they want to follow based on the risk COVID-19 poses to their communities.

Prime Minister Doug Ford has said he wants students to return to school throughout September provided he is safe to do so.

Yesterday, Ford said the public should be open to unorthodox ideas to keep kids safe, such as keeping the classroom out.

The prime minister and government continue to be focused on a safe, conventional, daily return to school, Lecce said on Thursday. Maybe a new conventional where kids can still go to school five days a week.

It should be noted that a number of school boards have previously said that any resumption of full-time classes, five days a week, will have a cost due to the need to limit class sizes.

For example, the Toronto County School Board says that if all primary school students were to gather in groups of 15 and hold the same length of day as before, they would have to hire about 2,500 new teachers at a cost of 249 million dollars.

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