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UK set to introduce strict new junk food rules, including banning ads before 9pm | Social


The government plans to enforce strict rules on how to advertise and sell junk food in the UK, such as banning online advertising and banning TV advertising before the 9pm television basin.

Sources say that the plan has not been finalized yet because Boris Johnson fears coronavirus health, but could be announced on Sunday or early next week.

Measures to combat the growing obesity epidemic are expected to reach far beyond the limits on media and advertising to include restrictions on in-store promotion.

Johnson previously accused the sugar tax of marking it as a secret tax on sin, but it is understood that he changed his mind after being admitted to Covid-19 in April. The Prime Minister condemned his weight problem for contributing to his illness and obesity was identified as a key factor in whether people are seriously affected by the coronavirus.

TV broadcasters previously said that pre-watershed bans, rich in fat, salt, and sugar, commonly called junk food, will earn more than 200 meters per year.

Phil Smith, ISBA’s Secretary-General, represents the majority of the UK’s leading advertisers, and Phil Smith is the government of brands to support, develop and expand public health campaigns during the closure period and protect and support employees. And said it worked effectively. Just as businesses have begun to resume the process of getting away from the serious effects of Covid-19, these misguided policies cut financial aid efforts to support the sector and put jobs and livelihoods at risk.

Media companies and the food industry have been facing the prospect that advertising bans will be completed by the government for more than a decade, but each plan has been abandoned. But this month, executives are concerned that these measures will be introduced, and last month, Johnson said if he could solve the obesity problem, he would be happier, more fit, and more resistant to diseases like Kovid.

The UK has the highest mortality from coronavirus in Europe, the highest rates of obesity, and high lifestyle-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, worsening Covid-19 results.

The previous review of UK regulations has greatly strengthened the restrictions over the years. In 2007, advertisers weren’t able to show junk food ads on children’s programs or children’s programs with an average audience rating of 20% or higher. Recently, advertisers have been unable to target children due to new online marketing rules.

Advertisers say that these broad rules will have a huge impact on thousands of small companies, more than just capturing major brands.

The speculation that the government will introduce a ban on high fat, salt and sugar ads will directly conflict with its own evidence that such restrictions will have minimal impact on the level of obesity, said Stephen Woodford of the Advertising Association. If these measures are introduced, they will have a significant economic impact when the economy is already in tension. The government needs to reconsider any suggestions that could undermine recovery.

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