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Have your say on designs for new youth space in Buttenshaw Park | Blue Mountains Gazette


A 25-meter flying fox, a giant group swing and a two-person spinner are among the design features of a youth upgrade at Buttenshaw Park in Springwood.

The design for the new inclusive adventure playroom at is now available for review after extensive community consultation.

Other notable features include a unique climbing structure and a 25-meter pumping track for scootering, cycling and skating.

Blue Mountains Mayor Mark Greenhill said the proposed design was informed by nearly 500 responses to the Funbobulator – an online tool in which the community outlined what they wanted to see in the park. A series of youth workshops were also held.

An aerial view of the proposed design for Buttenshaw Park.

An aerial view of the proposed design for Buttenshaw Park.

“Buttenshaw Park will be an exciting new recreation space for older children and teens in the Blue Mountains. We encourage residents to look at the concept design and let us know what they think,” said the mayor.

Other proposed features of the upgrade include a new accessible footpath connecting the space to the Springwood Aquatic and Fitness Center, sandstone chairs, table tennis, a viewing platform and climbing wall.

“Don’t miss the opportunity to provide feedback on this park concept before the design is complete.”

Various devices in the proposed design, such as the basket / group swing and flying fox, will cater to those with additional needs.

The Board has also started developing a management plan and a master plan for Buttenshaw Park. These plans help inform future projects on the site.

The plan offers recreation zone approaches, the Great Western Highway interface and vehicle restroom, the Sanda Japan Friendship Gardens, the Churchill Place entrance, water-sensitive design, furniture, signage, and lighting.

A survey is also currently available so that the Blue Mountains community can provide feedback on the preliminary master plan.

“Both the design of the play area and the preliminary master plan respect the key community values ​​for the park, including attention to the ecological value of Birdwood Gully and the preservation of wide open lawns for passive recreation activities,” said the mayor.

Buttenshaw Park is one of four district parks – high-quality, large parks that meet the needs of the wider Blue Mountains community – that receive upgrades thanks to the Western Sydney City Deal Liveability Program.

More information is available on plans for Glenbrook District Park, Wentworth Falls Lake District Park and Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park at

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