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Women’s organizations and unions urge Turkish government not to back down from Istanbul Convention


WOMEN’s organizations and unions in Turkey have urged the government not to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, calling it a lifeline for women and children.

Mass protests against femicide took place across the country under the slogan Yeter (Turkish for enough) after the brutal and shocking murder of Pinar Gultekin.

His dismembered body was found in a barrel in a forest after he went missing last week. Her body burned before concrete was poured over her in an attempt to hide her remains.

The university students’ ex-boyfriend has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Ms Gultekins’ murder led to huge protests across Turkey as women’s organizations blamed the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) for her murder, saying it created a misogynistic climate in the country.

Speaking at her funeral on Wednesday, Ms Gultekins’ father, Sidik Gultekin, said: These killings really must end now. I don’t want more Pinars to die for. I call on all of Turkey: Enough is enough.

The government has ignored warnings about recent emergency legislation that allows those who have committed rape and gender-based violence to be released from prison, as well as ignoring opposition to a law allowing rapists to escape prosecution if they marry their victims.

More recently, the government has expressed a desire to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, which obliges signatories to tackle gender-based crime, provide protection and services to women, and ensure perpetrators are prosecuted.

But women’s organizations and the Kesk trade union confederation warned against the pullout, saying it was a lifeline for women.

We Will Stop Femicides Platform (KDCP), an advocacy group that monitors violence against women, said at least 474 women were murdered in 2019, most by current or former partners, family members or unrelated men who wanted a relationship with them.

The actual figure is believed to be much higher, with many cases going unreported.

The KDCP said 27 women were murdered in June alone, and at least 147 were killed this year, a figure that continues to rise. The numbers have been described as a war record.

Turkey is one of the most unequal countries in the world for women, according to the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Index.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insisted that women should exist only in the domestic sphere and have at least five children.

In an attempt to silence women, the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair system, which guarantees gender equality in all party structures, has been banned as an act of terrorism.

Women’s organizations and individuals were targeted by the security services with at least 54 detained in raids earlier this month.

Rojbin Cetin, member of the Free Women’s Association (TJA), was mutilated by dogs during a three-and-a-half-hour interrogation.

TJA President Ayse Gokkan, who was among the detainees, warned that Turkey was waging a war against women.

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