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Celebrating Utah on July 24, Donald Trump Jr. says his father is a trailblazer too


Presidential son Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday wished Utahn and the Latter-day Saints a Happy Pioneer Day while saying his father is also a pioneer.

While in Washington, DC, they may call people like my father and me strangers, here in the West, they actually call them pioneers, he said in a call to regional reporters. Pioneers are people who embody the innovative spirit, curiosity and optimism that are uniquely American.

While briefly honoring the pioneers, Trump Jr. also clarified that his media appeal was primarily aimed at seeking national support from members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

My father truly recognizes in particular the enormous contribution Latter-day Saints have made in making America the greatest nation in the world, he said, and is committed to raising and strengthening all communities of faith.

How important is Utah, where the president only won a 45.5% plurality four years ago and the Latter-day Saints to the success of his campaign this year?

I think they’re going to be important, Trump Jr. said in response to a question from the Salt Lake Tribune. I’m not that concerned about [winning] Utah as a state. I mean, I think it’s a very conservative state. But I think it’s important to energize the LDS community. I think it’s going to be important.

Trump Jr., who was fishing in Utah on Thursday and travels around the state often for entertainment, adds that he understands why some Latter-day Saints have been skeptical of his father.

I spoke with many of you in 2016. Would Donald Trump respect religious freedom? Donald Trump would he be as pro-life as he said? If your kids go on a mission and something happens, will Donald Trump bring them back? he said.

Guess what? He has kept all of those promises probably more than any conservative, any president in modern history, Trump said. So I imagine the community is much more in tune with Donald Trump at the moment.

He ticked off several reasons he said Latter-day Saints should support his father, as well as predicting that alleged Democratic candidate Joe Biden could undermine many of their values.

(Francisco Kjolseth | Tribune file photo) President Donald Trump is surrounded by officials from Utah at the Utah Capitol on December 4, 2017, after signing two presidential proclamations aimed at reducing bear ears and national monuments from the Grand Staircase-Escalante.

The president then toured Welfare Square and met with church leaders, and was truly impressed with the church’s dedication to serving the most vulnerable among us around the world, said Trump Jr.

Also in 2018, he said then Home Secretary Ryan Zinke attended the Days of 47 Rodeo and read a proclamation from the president celebrating the efforts of the first men and women to make their way to the new frontier.

The younger Trump said these are just a few examples of how the president has stood hand in hand with the LDS community while protecting religious freedoms for all. This is in stark contrast to Joe Bidens’ campaign, where his priorities seem to be very, very distant.

He added that due to Joe Bidens’ full membership in the counterculture, they canceled the policy. They canceled the historic monuments, the national anthem and the list goes on. And after? Dare I say that it is our Christian faith?

Trump also said Biden can’t remember where he was 50 percent of the time and confused his wife and sister. It would cause me a lot of problems.

Trump praised the work of SDJ members to protect religious freedom and embrace the American dream and said: Protecting those freedoms is at stake on Election Day.

Scott Howell, a former Utah Senate Minority Leader who is a Biden campaign surrogate, bristled at Trump’s comments.

Taking pot photos with the vice president, campaign negative, has never convinced Utahns in the past and it won’t work in the future, he wrote in an email. Utah families will not forget Trump’s inability to lead our country during this pandemic.

Howell noted that some polls have shown Biden within 3 points of Trump in Utah, and said Biden will continue to garner strong support among all political parties and individuals who want stability and predictability in their country. commander-in-chief, not what we have received in the past. 3 years.

Trump Jr. was also scheduled to appear at an event Thursday for Burgess Owens, the GOP candidate in the 4th Congressional District against Rep. Ben McAdams. We need more pioneers and outsiders like Burgess in Washington, DC, he said.

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