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Holder says man mountain Cornwall could be the series’ ‘best spinner’ – Cricket


Last updated on July 24, 2020 12:15 PM

Cornwall was on the sidelines for the first two games of a series of three tests.

MANCHESTER (AFP) – The West Indies captain Jason Holder has supported Rahkeem Cornwall to make more of an impact than any English spinner as tourists decide whether to select the giant Antiguan for the decisive third test.

Cornwall was on the sidelines for the first two games of a series of three tests, with the West Indies content relying on the same tempo quartet, supported by the hitting of all-rounder Roston Chase.

But with the campaign all the way squarely 1-1 on the way to Friday’s finals at Old Trafford, 6ft 6in off-spinner Cornwall, weighing around 22 stone, could have his chance by taking 10 wickets during his second test against Afghanistan in November.

And Holder is convinced that Cornwall can surpass the English off-spinner Dom Bess, the only specialist slow bowler in the host’s third test team.

“When he (Cornwall) comes in, he is a wicket-taker and has proven to be a match winner not only at the regional level, but in his last test match when he got 10 wickets,” Holder said Thursday.

“I think he’s a good off-spinner and for me he’s undoubtedly the best spinner in this series.

“He’s always a wicket option for us. But not only does he bring a bit more with slip catching and batting – and he brings a lot of control with his art.”

Concerns have arisen over the speed of the West Indies, in particular Shannon Gabriel and Alzarri Joseph, after England’s 113 win in the second test at Old Trafford that was completed on Monday.

But batting seems to be tourists’ biggest concern as they seek a first test run win in England over 32 years, keeping them in the Wisden Trophy.

It looks like their top spot will once again have a chance to score the individual hundred that has eluded them this trip so far, although Joshua da Silva, who amassed nearly 200 runs in two warm-up games, could be promoted among the reserves.

Shai Hope has long struggled to recapture the form he scored with two hundred – his only test centuries – when the West Indies defeated England at Headingley three years ago.

Hope has not reached 30 in his last 10 tests, a series dating back to February 2019, but he has an impressive average of over 50 in one-day internationals.

“I’m 100 percent behind Shai, we all know what he can produce,” said Holder of his colleague Bajan.

“He’s done it before at this level in Test cricket, he is arguably one of the best one day batsmen in the world and we know the caliber of the player he can be, so I have full confidence in Shai to do some runs to get . “

Meanwhile, Holder said the mood in the West Indies camp remained positive, despite a heavy defeat from last time.

“We still have a very good chance of winning this series and everyone is happy for the occasion because we know what’s at stake.”

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