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Peoria County issues health advisory after state alerts for increased COVID-19 risk


The Peoria City/County Health Department has issued health advisories after state public health officials have declared the county one of four in the state that is currently at “warning levels” for coronaviruses.

According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Peoria, Lassalle, Randolph, and Adams counties are at increased risk of COVID-19 and may be subject to new restrictions if left unchecked. , Is considered to be at a warning level.

Monica Hendrickson, the administrator of the Peoria City/County Health Department, said the state has a high number of new cases per 100,000 and a new ER for people experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms in warnings to the county. He said the hospitalization rate for cases was rising. More than one risk factor qualifies the county for warning.

Although the outbreaks were recently reported at Peoria County Jail and Bradley University, Mr Hendrickson said the wider trend among adolescents was a greater concern.

In recent weeks, the county has reported a significant increase in new cases among people under the age of 29, especially those who attend large unprotected parties or go out of the state.

Hendrickson said it was too early to determine if a “roving street party” at Peoria’s riverfront last week would play a role, but in some cases Dunlap, Chillicothe, and Burtonville. Said he went back to his latest party. Young people are generally asymptomatic or experience mild symptoms, but many are unknowingly “super-spreaders” of the virus, she said.

“We want to make everyone aware of the fact that this is an equal opportunity virus. It affects everyone,” she said. “If you are young and healthy, you may have those mild symptoms, but you bring it back to your family and loved ones, and see how the virus progresses with them. not.”

Many new cases are also associated with recent trips to Wisconsin, Iowa, Texas, or Florida. Less protection than Illinois in all states.

“Some communities don’t revisit trips to areas of high activity associated with COVID, do not do it like Illinois, or have taken various protection measures,” she says. Stated.

To contain new cases, the Department of Health’s advice is to cover your nose and mouth in public spaces and to wear proper face coverings and within 6 feet of people who do not live in close households. It is recommended.

The advice is also to maintain a 6-foot distance whenever possible, avoid large direct gatherings, and even if the symptoms are mild, stay sick or while waiting for COVID-19 test results. It is recommended to be in.

“The way to consider this health recommendation is that we are aware of ourselves,” Hendrickson said. “And we recognize the fact that the indicators we’re looking at, if unchecked, continue to move in the direction we don’t want to go.”

If the numbers do not improve immediately, Hendrickson said he would consider a “Tier I” intervention tailored to Peoria County based on evidence found by contact traces. Measures include restrictions on outdoor travel sports and reductions in capacity at restaurants and retail stores.

Peoria County has reported a total of 950 cases since the outbreak on Friday. That’s an increase of 27 from yesterday. 1,276 cases and 41 deaths have been reported in the Trie county areas of Peoria, Woodford, and Taswell.

Hendrickson said Friday’s health advisory targeted Peoria County, but given the regional interactions, residents of Taswell and Woodford County should also be aware of this advice.

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