Jacinda Ardern: 24 special moments on her 40th birthday
Jacinda Ardern is a wonderful woman.
On October 26, 2017, she was elected as New Zealand’s youngest female prime minister – she would have become the youngest female prime minister if she had been born just 53 days ago – and had served in the highest position for more than 1,000 days.
Throughout her tenure, she went through the highest levels, the lowest levels, and a very fragile moment – literally, as she experienced an earthquake while conducting a live TV interview.
So to celebrate her 40th birthday on Sunday, we have collected her 24 best moments (without a specific arrangement).
1. When I explained why everyone laughed at Trump at a UN meeting
In 2018, Donald Trump made a speech to the United Nations. And he claimed:
In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.
At this point, laughter erupted in the audience. Then he added:
The audience laughed louder.
Speaking of the accident with Stephen Colbert, Ardern said the first round of laughter was on him and the second was with him.
Although she stayed out of it all, of course …
2. When she became the first New Zealand president to walk into the LGBTQ + Pride event
In 2018, Ardern was the first New Zealand Prime Minister to march on a pride march.
This year, it was announced – alongside gay finance minister, Grant Robertston – to make headlines in Global Pride’s pride.
Let us all repeat our commitment to continue the work required and strive to demonstrate international solidarity so that everyone can celebrate who they are, no matter where they live.
3. When I pledged to offer period products to girls in New Zealand
Last month, I promised to spend NZ $ 2.6 million ($ 1.7 million) on a scheme that provides free health products (also known as tampons, pillows, menstrual cups, etc.) to schools trying to tackle period poverty.
At the time, Ardern said that an estimated 95,000 girls between the ages of 9 and 18 are believed to have lost school during their periods because they cannot afford the costs of the products needed to manage them.
4. When their salaries were reduced
At the height of the coronary virus pandemic, Ardern proposed wage cuts for senior members of her government as a solidarity act of people struggling financially while in the close.
After some delay, it took effect on July 9.
5. When an earthquake occurred on live TV
In May, Jacinda Ardern gave a live television interview, then the earthquake struck her studio.
Even without getting down, she continued and said coldly:
We just have a little earthquake.
6. When I encouraged a four-day work week
We learned a lot about Covid and this flexibility for people working from home, and the productivity that can be taken out of it.
I would really encourage people to think about this if you are an employer and in a position to do so. Think about whether this is something that will work in your workplace because it will definitely help tourism across the country.
7. When she meets impersonating her famous character
Earlier this week, Ardern finally interviewed her impersonating comedian on Tiktok in the past few months.
The funny exchange caused a stir on social media, as many described the strange similarities.
8. When she allowed her husband to cut her hair closed
While the world was struggling with hair closure, Ardern had a solution – her husband.
9. When she performed the dance after NZ stopped the coronavirus in its tracks
Last month, Jacinda Ardern confirmed that New Zealand has not reached any active case of coronavirus.
To celebrate, the Prime Minister said that she performed a “little dance” and was very helpful:
10. This video shows everything you’ve done correctly, compared to everything Boris Johnson did wrong
A shocking video appeared in May showing the difference between how Ardern interacted with the coronavirus and how it dealt with Boris Johnson.
People were completely shocked.
11. When she was rejected in a restaurant
When the restaurant informed them that no tables were available, she did not withdraw the rank or try to use her influence to force one to open it, but she simply accepted and left.
A staff member ended up running down the street after he said they had got a table.
12. When I ratify again at a TV host
In May, right-wing TV host Duncan Garner asked why New Zealand remains at “threat level 3”, where all companies can be reopened – not just basic services.
I didn’t realize you were an epidemiologist – congratulations on your new qualifications.
13. How I refused to name the Christchurch terrorist attacker
After the Christchurch mosque attack that killed 50 people, Ardern said:
I beg you: pronounce the names of those who lost, instead of the name of the man who took them.
He may have sought fame, but we in New Zealand won’t give him anything, not even his name.
14. When it emerged as an ally of the Muslim community
He worked tirelessly to support the Muslim community in New Zealand after the attack, describing the incident as one of the “darkest days” in the country.
She attended the memorials – where she met, spoke to and embraced community members – and was universally praised for being respectful and supportive.
Ardern gave this strong speech, two weeks after the accident:
15. When I became the first child born to New Zealand PM to sit
On June 21, 2018, Ardern gave birth to daughter Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford.
At the time, Ardern said:
I am sure we are experiencing all the feelings that new parents go through, but at the same time they are very grateful for all the kindness and best wishes from many people. Thank you.
16. When she challenged herself to name all of her government’s accomplishments in the first 100 days in 60 seconds
Ardern faced a challenge: Can she name all of her government’s accomplishments in her first 100 days in less than 60 seconds.
Among the long list of achievements were the legislation on child poverty, extended parental leave, and prohibited fine grains.
17. When I announced measures to control weapons in only six days after the shooting of the mosque
Just six days after the Christchurch terrorist attack, Ardern announced arms control measures to ban all types of semi-automatic weapons.
On March 15th [the day of the attack] Our history changed forever. Now our laws will, too.
We are announcing action today on behalf of all New Zealanders to strengthen our arms laws and make our country a safer place.
18. When I became the first female prime minister ever invited to give a historic speech
In 2018, Ardern was invited to give a historic speech on Waitangi Day – the day he celebrates the signing of a treaty between the British Crown and Maori chiefs.
We put the count. Because one day I want to be able to tell my child that I’ve gained the right to stand here. And you can just tell me when I have done that.
19. When I paid the price of a woman’s grocery store after she forgot her wallet
Imagine forgetting your wallet while going to pay for your groceries.
Now imagine that the person who intervenes to help you pay for it is the leader of your country. For one woman, this was her wonderful reality.
20. Her “stunning” response to a reporter forgot his question
We will get back to you, no problem. I’m worried about your sleep right now, though, Jason.
21. When she brought her daughter in a letter to the United Nations
Ardern made headlines in 2018 after bringing her daughter to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
On the global response, she said at the time:
I love that people share this joy with us, because I have a really public role, so I accept that this means our family life will be completely public … but at the same time, I chose public life, Neve did not.
22. When I confirmed that the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are “essential workers”
During the height of the coronary pandemic outbreak in April, Ardern emphasized that the Easter bunny and tooth fairy were “key workers” and did not have to adhere to strict social separation rules.
23. When Trump closed
This lady caused a lot of annoyance in her country.
Well, you know, maybe only 40 percent.
Trump repeated his preliminary statement. So Ardern raised the bet:
You know, no one walked when I was elected.
He laughed, and only then reversed that he could have eaten it in a very special way – he didn’t seem to be upset.
24- When I publicly apologized to the family of a murdered British murderer
After British traveler Grace Milan was killed while in New Zealand in 2018, Ardern said the accident was a cause of national “shame”.
She offered her sincere apology to the Millane family:
On behalf of New Zealand, I would like to apologize to the Grace family. Your daughter should have been safe here, and she wasn’t. And I’m sorry for that.
From the kiwi I spoke to, there is this overwhelming feeling of harm and shame that has occurred in our country, a place that prides itself on our hospitality.
Naming a more inspiring prime minister …
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