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LA County reports 3,628 new cases of COVID-19 and 53 deaths


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Los Angeles County reported 3,628 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 53 additional deaths, bringing the county total to 172,325 cases and 4,351 deaths.

According to authorities, the total was higher on Saturday, after the reported 1,949 on Friday and 2,014 on Thursday, due to the inclusion of solutions and unprocessed positive results in the California electronic lab system. Is one of.

According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Affairs, young adults still account for the majority of new positive cases, with 76% of cases occurring on Saturdays in people under 50 and 54% in people under 30. It is announced that they are doing. health.

The number of people confirmed to be hospitalized for the virus was 2,016, which was 30% of those receiving intensive care. But officials said there were a total of 2,598 confirmed and suspected hospitalizations, with 15% of these people using ventilators.

Hospitalization data is incomplete due to changes in reporting requirements from the US Department of Health and Human Services.

“We send our deepest sympathies and prayers to you every day to a family who mourns the loss of their loved ones to COVID-19.” Barbara Ferrer, County Public Health Director, said: Also says.

“I know these are frustrating times and we want our lives back to normal. Unfortunately, we can’t say their activities are safe. Actions that are known to reduce the rate of infection and slow the spread of the virus should be taken in. To be safe, keep your face wrap on and avoid getting together with people who are not living together. You need to wash your hands frequently and maintain a physical distance from others. These are effective tools that, when used consistently, reduce virus infection and save lives.”

Test results were available to 1,621,670 people, with 10% of all being positive.

Hospitalization has been an area of ​​concern over the last few weeks, with the number surpassing 2,200 in Los Angeles County for the fifth consecutive week this week, the highest level in a pandemic.

Health officials said the number of new hospital admissions in LA County has leveled off, and in some cases even declined, following a sharp rise in mid-July.

Dr. Muntu Davis, a county health official, told reporters Thursday that these numbers are starting to slow the virus as the average daily positive test rate for seven days settles at around 8.5%. He said it shows the potential.

“We hope this week is at a turning point and we are beginning to see the consequences of our collective action to slow the spread of COVID-19,” Davis said.

However, despite these positive indicators, Davis and Ferrer stressed that the region has a long way to go before it can conquer the virus and lift health restrictions.

Two hospitals in the Los Angeles area received staff support on Friday courtesy of the US Air Force. The US Air Force has deployed medical teams across the United States, including the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center and the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

Dr. Mark Gurley of the California Department of Health and Human Services said a total of eight teams were deployed throughout the state.

“Overlooking the entire state,” Gurley said. “LA County—there is a large hospital and there is an important center that seems to be highly contagious, so there is concern about ensuring that the hospital in that important center is supported—of eight of the teams I received two.If you want to do a pro rata across the state, you need to do that, but some of the other teams have confirmed that the north of the state, to make sure the hospital is supported. And remember that we went to rural areas.

“We will continue to work with federal partners to enable staff to move to strategic locations throughout the state when needed,” he said.

Gurley said the goal is to ensure that patients receive the level of care they need, and that staffing isn’t an issue in providing quality care across the state. Told.

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