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NHS launches new parenting system to boost GP numbers



NHS launches new parenting system to boost GP numbers

In the newly launched NHS scheme, qualified GPs interested in returning to the NHS or participating from abroad will be able to cover the responsibilities of the family who were impediments to completing the required training. Access to financial support.

The new scheme is seen as a way to help hundreds of doctors return to general practice, covering aspects such as the cost of caring for children and families.

Qualified GPs have access to up to £2,000 worth of financial support. It adds to the NHS implementation and refresher scheme. This encourages 500 GPs who have previously worked in the NHS or practiced abroad to join the NHS. And bring their skills up to current requirements.

This scheme will increase the number of full-time equivalent GPs that have remained stable at around 34,000 over the past five years, despite an increase in the number of employees by around 5,000, thereby increasing patient primary care. It represents part of a broader effort to improve access.

Backed by the new GP contract, this set of measures aims to provide more than 6,000 doctors and more than 26,000 support roles, increasing the number of services and appointments available to patients near their homes. ..

Read more: Almost every practitioner signs up for a new Primary Care Network contract

Read more: Recruitment of GP trainees has increased for the third consecutive year

Dr. Nikki Kanani, Medical Director of Primary Care at NHS England, said: “The family doctor and his team Coronavirus Responding to pandemics and adapting their work to enable people to continue to access care in new and convenient ways. Our goal is to recruit thousands of GPs and other clinicians to provide the best possible care to our patients.

“Practitioners, like any other walk in life, can spend time from their career nurturing their family to take on more challenges, move abroad, or gain experience in another profession or role. There is.

“But for whatever reason, there is a direct route for people who want to return to their careers in NHS general practice when the NHS needs all the expertise to help continue to respond to the coronavirus. With this magnificent plan, it has never been easier.”

The NHS has confirmed that it not only helps compensate for childcare costs, but also assists caring and responsible individuals. Anyone who is already participating in the scheme can claim costs back to April 1, 2020.

In addition to a salary of £3,500, the new support offering offers the following benefits to the general practitioner of the scheme:

  • Relocation package up to £18,500
  • Occupational Health Check Reimbursement
  • Up to four full funding attempts in the assessment
  • Access to a national support team so each GP has access to a dedicated account manager and contacts to support them throughout the process

Dr. Samila Anane, Labor Policy Leader of the BMA GP Committee, said: Skills required for NHS.

“These could be doctors who have spent time practicing to feed their children, and when they want to get back to the front we need to do everything to support them.

“This support – available to already employed workers – is now available to people in this scheme and has been extended to return GPs with other compassionate responsibilities under pressure from the BMA. I’m happy.

“We are committed to supporting a diverse workforce, and physicians will have to choose between family and patient care. These changes will allow skilled practitioners to work I hope to be able to return to.”

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